Fab Five Finishers for MMA Conditioning

If you’ve ever witnessed or participated in a metabolic circuit designed for combat athletes, you’ve seen hard core. You’ve seen guys pushed to their physical limits. You’ve seen tire flips, prowler pushes, and ground & pound drills. You may have even seen some guys on their knees reaching for the nearest bucket. There are many […]
Corrective Exercise: Does it have a place in MMA strength training?
By Doug Balzarini, C.S.C.S., Strength and Conditioning Coach, Fitness Quest 10 (San Diego, CA) Trying to convince a combat athlete that thoracic spine mobility drills will help him in the octagon is like trying to convince my girlfriend that size doesn’t matter (talking arm size of course). These athletes want to be faster, stronger, and […]
Top 5 Strength Tools For Combat Athletes
“Top 5 Strength Tools For Combat Athletes” By Doug Balzarini, C.S.C.S., Fitness Quest 10 As Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) continues to grow in popularity, so do the methods and techniques used to help the MMA athletes reach their full potential. Coaches are realizing that their athletes must have a complete well-rounded program that covers not […]