The Transformation Economy: The Future of Personal Training
The Transformation Economy: The Future of Personal Training Jessica Lis, A.T.C., C.S.C.S. Fitness Quest 10, Intern I recently read the book “The Experience Economy” in which B. Joseph Pine II and James H. Gilmore (P & G) discuss the evolution of products – products start as commodities and as society changes products transform into goods […]
Less is More
Less Is More Brett Klika Getting athletes and athlete wanna-bees stronger and more resilient to injury is a simplicity proposition. Pick a few proven effective drills, then get really good at teaching and doing them. Too many coaches make the mistake of employing hundreds of drills they don’t really know how to teach, so their […]
Strength Training: Getting Started
Strength Training: Getting Started By: Bryan Milliard Getting stronger, building more muscle, or improving the ability to perform daily activities more effectively and efficiently: these are a few reasons why someone would choose to start a strength-training program. However, few people actually know how to go about getting started on a program. An all too […]
The Bounce of a Ball
It only takes one time. One bad bounce of a ball. One trip over a “landmine” on the floor. And your positive session with a client can go from positive to nightmare. The purpose of this article is to remind you of the critical importance of SAFETY every single day, every single moment. It can […]
Twister… Industry Icon in the Fight of His Life
By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS I need to share a remarkable story of a fitness professional in the fight of his life. He is someone I have long admired. Someone I have shared the stage with many times. One of the best presenters I have ever heard. A wildly successful entrepreneur who has earned more […]
“Coach” is a Verb, Not a Noun
By Brett Klika C.S.C.S. What makes a great coach? Is it the number of years they spent in school studying coaching? Probably not, as the 5 most successful coaches that immediately come to mind do not have a “Dr.” in front of their name. Is it their own successful athletic prowess? No again, as I […]
Learn From Your Kids
By Brett Klika, C.S.C.S. Director of Athletics, Fitness Quest 10 The primary difference between training adults and youth is that training youth is all about giving them something physically constructive to do with “all that energy.” For adults, it’s all about giving them some energy by giving them something physically constructive to do. Youth are little […]
Making Good Great
By Brett Klika C.S.C.S. Director of Athletics, Fitness Quest 10 Every day, big, fast, and strong athletes are working to be bigger, faster, stronger, so they can one day be the biggest, fastest, and strongest. The process of working towards athletic success is one of constantly addressing strengths and weaknesses, and striving to get better. […]
90 Day Wonder
By Todd Durkin, MA, C.S.C.S. People often ask me the question, “How do you get done all that you get done in a day?” My answer is actually a fairly simple one. I have been disciplined about doing a series of exercises that have helped me stay laser-focused on my personal and professional development. And […]
I Want To Do Something Bigger With My Life
By Todd Durkin, MA, C.S.C.S. I recently spent time with a 25- year veteran of the fitness field whom asked for my guidance. He runs a successful business, presents at major conferences, and influences many people. Not knowing exactly what he needed, he began to tell me about his “successful” career. He really has accomplished […]