LAX Training with my son Luke on the TRX Rip Trainer

A couple weeks ago, I shared in my TD Times about my son Luke shooting his lacrosse ball through my neighbor’s window.  And I shared how we handled that “little” mis-fire. It was a great life-lesson. But I need to tell you a little bit more about the whole story. You see, Luke asked me […]

My son shoots a lacrosse ball through my neighbors window!

I got a call a few weeks ago at work that really upset me. It was my wife, Melanie, and she told me our oldest son, Luke, just shot his lacrosse ball through the neighbor’s bay window. “Whaaattttt???!!!!” I said. And for about 10 seconds, I could feel my blood pressure rising. And then I […]

My Fitness Journey: Amelianne Johannes

Athlete…Active… These were always words I used to define myself, until one day, before I knew it, they were not relevant anymore. To understand my fitness journey I have to start at the beginning. I grew up in a cul-de-sac neighborhood. There was only one way in and one way out; the perfect place for a kid to […]

Shortcut to Success…

By Natalie Peterson MS, CSCS There are no shortcuts. Even though I know better, I still try to find them. When thinking about shortcuts, I realized that there are so many areas in my life that it is tempting to take a shortcut. For example: In traffic on my way home Especially when I am […]


Labor Day weekend. For many reasons, I always love this weekend. But there is one reason that really stands out. Let me share. You may have heard me tell this story because I have told it every Labor Day weekend for the past 25 years. It was Labor Day weekend in the Fall of 1988 at […]

Our “Weekender Angel”

Our Weekender Angel I believe there are signs everywhere. People come in and out of your life every single day, and if you make the choice to be open, you never know what can come from your encounters. In college, my close friend Kelli and I took a trip up to San Francisco. It was […]

My Fitness Journey: Natalie Brown

When I was 6 years old I told my Mom and Dad that I didn’t want to play soccer anymore because “I hated running!”  This was a very interesting way to start my fitness journey. For those that know me now, times have changed. I love to run now. However, my 6 year old self […]