Holiday Stress or Holiday Spirit? 10 Tips for Survival
It’s the holidays and what a wonderful time of the year it is!!! Or is it? People get stressed… They get off their routines… They often feel like they have to overextend and “outdo” themselves… Their workouts go to the pits… or they just don’t do them… Nutrition goes to hell… cookies, desserts, and alcohol […]
Mind Your Manners… FQ10’s Rules of World-Class Gym Etiquette
Mind Your Manners… FQ10’s Rules of World-Class Gym Etiquette. By Todd Durki, MA. C.S.C.S. The gym is your sanctuary. It’s where you honor your mind, body, and spirit. It’s a safe-haven where you work to improve yourself personally (and sometimes professionally). Maybe you do weight-training. Or cardio. Or classes. Or yoga. Or Pilates. Or maybe […]