True Strength

TRUE STRENGTH By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS It all began a couple months ago when I was invited to conduct some special workouts for the NFL athletes participating in the Pro Athletes Outreach (PAO) Increase Conference held in San Diego last week (March 3-6th). PAO’s mission is to support professional athletes by integrating faith, family […]

My Fitness Journey: Jeff King

I am a trainer. I am a person who loves to workout and inspire people to reach their health and fitness goals. I am a person who is aware of what I eat and how it affects me. I am a father who wants to inspire my daughter to live a lifestyle where physical, mental, […]

Shortcut to Success…

By Natalie Peterson MS, CSCS There are no shortcuts. Even though I know better, I still try to find them. When thinking about shortcuts, I realized that there are so many areas in my life that it is tempting to take a shortcut. For example: In traffic on my way home Especially when I am […]

Weight-Loss Ain’t Easy

Weight-Loss AIN’T Easy By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS Weight-loss is one of the most common goals of clients and members at Fitness Quest 10. I know, I know. You want to improve your strength. And fitness. And health. But many people are also trying to lose an extra 5-10 pounds. Or 20. Or 50. Or […]

Strength Training: Getting Started

Strength Training: Getting Started By: Bryan Milliard Getting stronger, building more muscle, or improving the ability to perform daily activities more effectively and efficiently: these are a few reasons why someone would choose to start a strength-training program.  However, few people actually know how to go about getting started on a program.  An all too […]

I’ve Never Felt Like This Before

As most of you know, we lost a great man this past week.  I lost a best friend.  Fitness Quest 10 lost a family member.  The Sawyer family lost its leader.  Ken Sawyer, 51, aka “Sawman”, died in a freak, tragic accident when his motorized scooter was hit by a car making an illegal u-turn.   […]

25 Years 25 Mistakes

By Mike Boyle Functional Strength Coach 4:  Click Here For More Details originally printed on TMUSCLE This year I’ll enter my twenty-fifth year as a strength and conditioning coach. Last month I watched Barbara Walters celebrate her thirtieth year with a special called “30 Mistakes in 30 Years.” I’m going to celebrate my twenty-fifth anniversary […]

Cross-Fit for Athletes?

Cross-Fit for Athletes? Brett Klika C.S.C.S. Cross Fit is the latest rage in fitness. Millions tune in to watch Cross-Fit athletes display herculean strength, endurance, and physical adaptability on ESPN. Thousands of Cross Fit gyms are springing up all over the world serving every demographic from beginning exercisers to professional athletes. While this exercise and […]