Mastermind Member In The Spotlight: Rachel Bergman

Rachel Bergman has been a standout member of the Todd Durkin Platinum Level since November 2011. Rachel’s company WholeFit is a mobile in-home fitness business that focuses on the Personal side of Personal Training. Rachel is currently seeking to recruit & train several trainers in the Wildwood/St. Louis community to join her other trainer Ashton […]
Todd Durkin’s Mastermind comes to San Diego!

Last weekend, Todd Durkin, owner of Fitness Quest 10 hosted his “Mastermind” in San Diego,CA. A group of personal trainers and fitness professionals ready to get to the next level of their careers. It was a weekend filled with strategic business planning, marketing and branding, goal-setting, and personal breakthroughs. Below are some pictures from this past weekend at San […]