Mind Your Manners… FQ10’s Rules of World-Class Gym Etiquette

Mind Your Manners… FQ10’s Rules of World-Class Gym Etiquette. By Todd Durki, MA. C.S.C.S. The gym is your sanctuary. It’s where you honor your mind, body, and spirit. It’s a safe-haven where you work to improve yourself personally (and sometimes professionally). Maybe you do weight-training. Or cardio. Or classes. Or yoga. Or Pilates. Or maybe […]

Weight-Loss Ain’t Easy

Weight-Loss AIN’T Easy By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS Weight-loss is one of the most common goals of clients and members at Fitness Quest 10. I know, I know. You want to improve your strength. And fitness. And health. But many people are also trying to lose an extra 5-10 pounds. Or 20. Or 50. Or […]

Todd Durkin Announces “Big News”; FITBLOK to Change the Fitness World

I have some big news to announce. I have been working hard on a revolutionary training idea that I believe will change the face of fitness. Literally. With the thousands of people I have trained in my career, I often hear the same excuses that rob people of being healthy, fit, and strong: “My workout […]