Y’all know I LOVE live events. There is NOTHING like them and there is nothing that replaces the connect time when you are immersed in a world-class environment, with world-class people, receiving world-class coaching, and tending to your body, mind, & soul in a world-class manner.

That’s why I’m REALLY EXCITED for our upcoming FALL 2023 Retreat.

Make sure you are IN THE ROOM for what will be another EPIC experience.

Here are the details…

The Todd Durkin Mastermind Fall Retreat


Creating a World that Does Not YET Exist!”

Bahia Resort (San Diego, CA)

October 5-7, 2023

Are you ready to “THINK, DREAM, & DO” unlike EVER before…

Are you ready to ENVISION a world that does not YET exist…

Are you ready to CREATE a world that does not YET exist…

In other words, are you ready to create your business, career, and LIFE in a way that’s going to not only the meet the demands of the world we live in… but be an even bigger SOLUTION to some of the biggest problems that exist in our communities, cities, states, and heck, the world for that matter.

As a matter of fact, I think this retreat could be one of the most important ones to date…for several reasons.

Our industry is changing. The landscape is changing. And I want US to be the ones who are paving the way to where the world is going so that we can maximize our IMPACT in a way the world so desperately needs us right now.

This shifting…this changing…and these problems are forcing us to do one of two things….

  1. Stay the same and eventually burn-out, become irrelevant, or fail (or all 3!)…


  1. CHANGE. GROW. DEEPEN YOUR PASSION, CONVICTION & PURPOSE for our calling to change lives.

 And that’s exactly what this retreat is going to allow us to do…


ARE YOU READY? I bet you are…or at least you WILL be by the time October comes around!!!

  • YOU need the space, environment, and atmosphere to THINK BIG.
  • YOU need the coaching, the blue-sky time and the “heart & soul time” to DREAM even BIGGER.
  • YOU need the time to strategize, create action-steps and strategic plans, and goals to achieve what we set out to do.
  • We NEED EACH OTHER to strengthen collaborations, ignite the mission, and get more momentum for YOUR mission.

This is EXACTLY what our Fall Retreat will do.

Just “BE IN THE ROOM” and the rest will take care of itself.

Sign Up Below: 

Here are some more specific logistics & details:

Thursday October 5th:

  • Fly in any time that day.
  • We will have an outdoor “adventure” activity starting at 1:00 pm that day outside the resort.
  • Official start at 5pm to Event. Meet & Greet at Bahia Resort.


Friday October 6th:

  • Work out on beautiful San Diego Bay & ocean front
  • Meetings 9am – 5pm
  • Team Dinners (6:30 pm)


Saturday October 7th:

  • The “TD IMPACT Challenge” (Location is on the beach)
  • Meetings 9am – 5pm
  • Group activity (optional): 6:30 pm


Sunday October 8th:

  • Depart at any time.
  • (For anyone who would like to join Todd and team for church, we will attend a service at 9 am. Optional).

Book Your Room HERE NOW:


The link is set-up in a way that allows you to stay a few extra days before/after your event days. (The hotel requests that you: “Please ask your attendees to start each room reservation by selecting their preferred arrival and departure dates first, before continuing with the booking.”

Be sure to tell them you are with the “Todd Durkin Retreat” if you call them on the phone, instead of using the link above.

Where: Bahia Resort Hotel

998 W. Mission Bay Drive San Diego, CA 92109  

Phone: 858.488.0551

REGISTER for the Retreat & PRICING:

We have proudly kept the fees as low as possible to ensure as many of our members & guests can attend. Your price includes breakfast AND lunch on both Friday & Saturday, the Meet & Greet on Thursday night, along with all gifts/swag presented during the Retreat, as well as the venue & program itself.

I am so confident that this Retreat will be worth 3x the “General Admission” price ($999) so please do your best to “BE IN THE ROOM.”

What about guests:

Yes, you can bring them. We have given them a significant discount (over $450 OFF the “General Admission” price because of your involvement in one of my coaching programs).

Your guest could be a spouse, GM, trainer, or special guest you want to bring to expose them to a “TD event.”



3 things to TAKE ACTION on:

  1. Book your airline tickets into San Diego. Don’t be afraid to come in a day or two early or stay a day or two later after the Retreat.
  1. BOOK your hotel room. If you want to share with a teammate or other attendee from Retreat, you can worry about the logistics later. It would be better to reserve your hotel spot now for 3-nights now and cancel later than try to do later and we have sold-out of our block. Here is the LINK for that now…


  1. CONFIRM your spot at the Fall Retreat (please confirm by Sept 15th). By doing so, that allows us to properly account for total attendance, swag, products, food, etc.). The SOONER you do that, the BETTER.


As you know, my THEME for the year is “WHY WAIT?”

Do NOT wait to sign-up.

There’s no time like now to be in the room with your fellow mastermind members, coaches, mentors, some vendors, and maybe even some surprise guests… 

COMMIT NOW and I can’t wait to see you in San Diego in October. It’s going to be a super fantastic few days and I know the opportunity to “THINK, DREAM & DO” is going to not only going to allow you to finish STRONG in 2023…but it’s going to IGNITE you soul to go even deeper into 2024 and beyond.

See you there!

Todd Durkin

Book Your Room HERE NOW:


(We only have this hotel block until Sept 14th so please book your rooms PRIOR to that date; You will NOT be penalized for booking your room early).


Link to Hotel with Pictures:  
