Good morning from beautiful Telluride, CO! It’s a cool, crisp Fall morning here and there is nothing like mountain-fresh air. I love it!
I just wrapped up yet another incredible Mountain Retreat with my Mastermind in one of the most extraordinary places on earth. There were tons of laughs and high-fives, a few tears shed, a lot of strategy work, and a renewed vigor and energy by all fit pros present. Man, it’s always great to step away to the mountains to work ON business and life and get the spirit soaring to all-time high levels.
One of the things I LOVE doing in my life is coaching trainers and fit pros in my Mastermind. As a matter of fact, today (October 15, 2017) is my 10-year anniversary since starting my Mastermind.
And believe it or not, my Mastermind started with an intention set on a notecard…literally!
Yes, like the 4 x 6 notecards you used to use in school.
Back In 2006 (before we had laptops & tablets for notes :)), I was reading Napoleon Hill’s iconic “Think and Grow Rich,” and the book inspired me to list 7 bullet points on a notecard that represented what I wanted to achieve in my career…
I went deep. Like REAL deep.
I jotted down everything from an apparel sponsor and membership-specific goals for Fitness Quest 10 (keep in mind my first facility, “The Roots,” wasn’t yet equipped for large crowds), to a visionary program where I could lead other fit pros to find their deepest purpose and achieve massive levels of success.
Well, 6 of those 7 bullet points from more than 10 YEARS AGO have become reality.
Under Armour has become our beloved sponsor, FQ10 is a 2-facility operation serving thousands, and…
It was on this exact date (October 15, 2007) — 10 years ago today — that I officially launched the Todd Durkin Mastermind.
Man, just typing that makes me emotional, reflective, and deeply grateful.
Any guesses on how many Masterminders we started with?
Even better, pictured below are 5 of the original 13 members–Trina Gray, Leslie Trujillo, Roger Faulkenbury, Julie Wilcox & Larry Indiviglia who are with me now over in Telluride.
As I fondly reflect on the past 10 years, I’m met with a mix of emotions.
Who would have thought that tattered note card from 2006 would have literally created the future?
Well, I guess it did.
It’s quite amazing what you can do with a set intention, a little belief, strong conviction, and lots of writing :).
For perspective, we now have nearly 200 Mastermind members split into 3 different levels. #WOW
The past decade has been a path paved with highs, lows, successes, and challenges. And many Masterminders would echo those same sentiments. But I do believe the power of a collective group of like-minded, dedicated souls who are driven by passion and purpose have allowed us to create significant impact.
I’ve witnessed Masterminders open up businesses, expand businesses, win awards, start speaking, evolve into keynote presenters at the industry’s biggest events, turn careers into callings, identify their purposes, and truly live lives worth telling a story about.
And while I’d love to highlight their many individual achievements, my reflections lead me back to one thing:
The thousands of people who have been impacted by past and present Masterminders.
As all of my Masterminders know, it’s never about US, it’s always about THEM.
And man, am I proud to say, as a team, we’ve positively impacted thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of people over the last 10 years (next stop: MILLIONS).
If you’ve ever been a member, thank you. I hope the teachings of the Mastermind continue to guide you whenever YOU need a light, while you continue to spread your light to others.
Current members, thank you. I absolutely love serving you. It makes my soul sing, and I am tremendously grateful for you allowing me to do what I do best.
And lastly, those of you who have any interest in the Mastermind, thank you. I’d love the opportunity to serve and coach you over the next 10+ years.
Without ALL of YOU, that 10-year-old note card is simply a vision with no action.
My friends, from the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU for all you do.
Much love…and much celebration!
P.S. Interested in joining the Mastermind? In honor of our 10-year anniversary, join the Mastermind Institute Level (this is where we start all newbies) now and receive two months FREE. You’ll get a full year of exclusive Mastermind content and coaching for less than $1,000 here. This offer ends next Sunday, 10/22.
P.P.S. Save 10% on all online products TODAY. Head over to my online store and use the code “10YEAR” for 10% off TODAY ONLY (Sunday, October 15, 2017).