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10 Things I’m Grateful For, IMPACT Week, & Big News [TD Times]

Greetings from 35,000 feet. I’m back on a plane for the 3rd time this week as I head to Dayton, Ohio, for a book-signing and football game this weekend. I’m pumped-up.

And I am so GRATEFUL.

I was getting some “Gratitude Time” in early this morning and it made me think…it’s easy to be grateful when things are going well. It’s NOT so easy to be GRATEFUL when things are NOT going well.

I was listening to an inspirational audio message a few days ago speaking on GRATITUDE.

And it reminded me, we must start EVERY DAY, good or bad, in GRATITUDE.

A few things to THINK about…or WRITE DOWN for your GRATITUDE practice:

  1. What are the things that ARE going well in your life?
  2. What are the things NOT going so well in your life and how can you turn it around to somehow even be grateful for that challenge?
  3. WHO or WHAT are you most grateful for in your life?
  4. How can you live with even more GRATITUDE on a daily basis, whether you have good or bad stuff going on?

And if you WRITE these things down, and not just think them, watch how it shifts your mindset, heartset, and soulset.

Write down your 1, 2, 3…or “10” things you are MOST GRATEFUL for today.

Here are my “10” from TODAY:

1. I’m GRATEFUL…McKenna committed to High Point University last week. Sure, she’s 2-years away from enrolling. But boy am I grateful she has a GREAT “home” to go to in a few years. And for that, I’m GRATEFUL.

2. I’m GRATEFUL…Luke got GREAT news a few days ago. Not only is his shoulder healing up nicely, he got his “Education Delay” into the Army and will be attending law school next Fall. That puts him on track to become an Army-jag attorney in a few years. And for that, I’m GRATEFUL.

3. I’m GRATEFUL…Brady has been home in San Diego all week, as High Point University is on Fall Break. Loved spending some quality time with him the last couple days. And for that, I’m GRATEFUL.

4. I’m GRATEFUL…for the opportunity to keynote in Vegas on Monday. I always love connecting and creating IMPACT with a motivational speech. And when it’s actually my “IMPACT” talk, it’s even better. And for that, I’m GRATEFUL.

5. I’m GRATEFUL…for the amazing turnout of people on the Speaker’s Course webinar yesterday. I knew there were a lot of people interested in becoming a paid- speaker or honing in their speaking skills, but I didn’t realize there would be 210- people wanting to learn more. For that, I’m extremely GRATEFUL.

(Here’s the REPLAY of “Crafting a Legendary Keynote” if you would like to watch it or you can check out all the information on my new Speakers Course HERE). 

6. I’m GRATEFUL…that I’m up on a “35,000 foot spa retreat” right now en route to Dayton, OH where I GET to do 2 things:

  1. I’m GRATEFUL to be doing a TRUE STRENGTH book signing at my friend Shawn Haffner’s Fit Body Boot Camp—Kettering in Dayton, Ohio, this Saturday, October 12th (7:30am- 9:30 am).
  2. I’m GRATEFUL to be able to see Luke’s football game this weekend. I have committed to be at every one of his games this season. Unbelievably, he’s a senior now and this is his last hurrah. I know my .Dad would have done the same for me. So I’m doing it for him. And for that, I’m GRATEFUL.

7. I’m extremely GRATEFUL (and nervous)… to share with you that I AM committing to writing & publishing a book on COACHING in 2025.

Yep. I’m committing in writing to you here for the very first time that I will be writing Book #6 in 2025. That’s right. This one has been IN me for a long while and it’s time. I have committed my life to coaching and training people from all walks of life. 2025 will be my 26th year in the Brick & Mortar gym business. So I have committed to writing my bible on COACHING in 2025.

I will reveal more of the details as I sink my teeth in even deeper but I’m GRATEFUL that my soul is speaking and it’s time to get out my manifesto on coaching…and I plan on making this one very special!


8. I’m GRATEFUL…that today is International IMPACT DAY. It’s the “10th” day of the “10th” month of the year. And “10” is my favorite number. Here’s why…

  • I have “10” people in my immediate family (I have 7 brothers & sisters and Mom & Dad make 10 people).
  • My wife’s birthday is on the “10th” of the month.
  • 2 of my 3 kids birthdays are on the “10th ” of the month (I messed the other date up and missed by a few days).
  • “10” was always my athletic number.
  • My original gym (and still going strong) is aptly named Fitness Quest 10.
  • And my most recent, and biggest legacy play of all time, is called IMPACT-X Performance. “X” stands for “10” in Roman numerals (I recently found out that most people under age 30 have no idea what Roman numerals are).
  • I’m also GRATEFUL…that today is also World MENTAL HEALTH Day. I heard that and thought to myself, “Man, every day should be Mental Health Day.” That being said, today is a great day to be extra poignant and aware of the importance of our MENTAL HEALTH.

Be sure you take care of YOU today!! #GYMR

9I’m GRATEFUL for what’s happening inside IMPACT-X Performance. Because today is “International IMPACT Day”, as well as Mental Health Day, today is Day #1 of my brand new “SOUL FUEL” AUDIO messages going out to all the members of our current 7 IMPACT-X Performance locations each & every week, along with those in my coaching programs. And for that, I’m GRATEFUL.

(If you would like to listen to the first one, just to see what we will be doing, you can listen to that right here: Listen Now)

Also, Minnesota, buckle-up. I just got some GREAT “IXP” news for y’all in the Twin Cities area. #MoreToComeSoon

10. And last and certainly not least, I’m GRATEFUL for my health.
When you don’t have it, it’s the only thing you want. And I certainly know what’s that like. And now that I’m feeling healthy & well (and my knees feel great and the ole back is not killing me), I’m certainly extremely GRATEFUL. Like BEYOND GRATEFUL!!!

As you can see, the number “10” is special. And those are “10” things that I’m MOST GRATEFUL for today.

How about YOU?
What are you MOST GRATEFUL for TODAY?

Sometimes they are all good. Sometimes they are not and you’re searching to “find” something. That’s fine also.

But the bottom line is that you have to CHOOSE to live in GRATITUDE. You gotta battle for it.

So here’s my reminder today… before your feet hit the ground tomorrow morning, SIT ON YOUR BED or GET ON YOUR KNEES next to your bed, and spend a few minutes reflecting on what you are most GRATEFUL for…

Or you can write them down in your Journal right now and find 1, 2, 3…or “10” things you are GRATEFUL for. There’s no magic “number” of how many things you write down but the more you think about WHO or WHAT is in your life and find GRATITUDE, be aware of how it shifts your entire energy and being.

Watch how living with an “Attitude of GRATITUDE” changes your perspective and outlook on LIFE.

Report back and let me know how it goes.

Until then, THANK YOU for reading, listening, and being part of my Community. I sure do appreciate you and am honored to serve you.

Much love…and a ton of GRATITUDE.

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