Do You Get Enough Mellow-Yellow & Blue-Sky Time?

My soul is singing as I write this. I’m up in the mountains (Squaw Valley/Lake Tahoe) enjoying some “mellow-yellow” time with the family. I had a great day skiing yesterday, despite warm temperatures and not a ton of fresh powder.

There is just something so special about being up in the mountains that provide a ton of serenity, tranquility, and peace. It’s fair to say that the mountains move my soul!

When I’m doing my business/life coaching with my Mastermind group or fit-pros, I always ask the question, “What are the 5 things that MOST move your soul?”

And I then instruct them to focus 80% of their TIME on doing more of the things that they LOVE to do.
It takes maniacal focus.
It means often eliminating things you “like” to do, not “love” to do.
It means sacrifice.
It means having uber discipline, tuning out distractions, and going deep on the things that serve your purpose on earth.

For me, my “5 things” that I love to do are (in no particular order):

  1. Speaking/presenting/live events. I love presenting LIVE at conferences, events, retreats, my Mentorship, etc. Nothing like the power of a live event.
  2. Writing. It simply is cathartic to me and it moves my soul.
  3. Training. Man, I still love training my clients and athletes. It’s my “happy place.”
  4. Leading. At Fitness Quest 10, within the industry, my family, etc.
  5. Family Time. I just love time with the family. Coaching the kids. Watching games. Eating meals together. Joking around. Giving fatherly advice, wisdom, or inspiration. And I love when we’re in the mountains together. 🙂

One thing I realize is that the deeper and more successful I get in the first 4 items listed above, the more time I need away working “ON” on the business and not “IN” the business.

This is called “blue-sky” time or STRATEGY TIME. And it’s absolutely essential if you want to take a LEAP forward here in 2018.

Blue-sky time sets the vision, strategy, and action-steps necessary to implement and execute your big ideas. Whereas I used invest 2-3 days of “blue-sky” time every 90-days, I now take 2-3 “blue-sky” days per MONTH to drive success.

Mellow-yellow time fuels the big ideas. It’s time “away” working on YOU. It’s time in the mountain, or at the beach, in nature, or anywhere that helps you create AHA moments.

Your BIG ideas typically do not come when you’re working. They typically come when you are away on vacation or out in nature and your subconscious mind releases its most creative juice.

And we all need that, right?

I realize that the more success you achieve in business/life, the more time necessary it is to spend in both BLUE-SKY and MELLOW-YELLOW time.

You must keep your energy stores filled-up and your strategy must continuously be tweaked and updated in order to get to where you say you want to go.

Does this make sense? I used to think if you want more money or success, than you have to just work harder. And while hard work is a very important ingredient to success, you can only work so hard before you run out of hours (and energy!) in a day.

Therefore, SMART work and, strategy plays an even bigger, more important, role as you progress and achieve more success.

Does that help you? Where can you DO BETTER to achieve more of what you want?


  • Find the 5 things that MOVE your SOUL…and do more of them.
  • Build in more mellow-yellow time into your schedule. Your energy and vitality will thank you…and you will get your biggest ideas when you’re resting, recovering, and taking time to work on YOU.
  • Invest in “blue-sky” time at least 2-3 days every 90-days to map out your success in business, relationships, and life. It’s absolutely crucial if you want to make massive gains this year.

2 more things that I know will help you:

  1. If you did not read my “8 Ways to Explode Your Fitness Business in 2018” article the other day, please be sure to do that now. I believe you will really like it and be able to glean some great “in the trenches” content.
    Check it out here…
  2. I invite you to sign-up for my 3.5 Day Mentorship program NOW. It’s my most intensive LIVE event I offer and I only do it one-time per year. It’s also the most powerful “blue-sky” time you could imagine and it will re-write the way you think and do business on ALL levels.The dates are Feb 8-11, 2018, in beautiful, warm, San Diego, CA, and I will personally be leading the ENTIRE event. Take ACTION today and you are guaranteed to have a business and life-transformative experience.
    Check out all details on my 3.5 Day LIVE Mentorship here!

Thanks for all you do. Continue to motivate and inspire your people to be GREAT. And don’t forget in the process to stop and take “mellow-yellow” and “blue-sky” time so that YOU can BE GREAT also.

Much love,


P.S. Would you like to complete your 2018 Annual Roadmap & Strategic Plan?

A huge part of my planning & success STARTS with my Annual Roadmap & Strategic Plan. This exercise alone is an absolute game-changer.

If you enroll in my 3.5 Day Mentorship program, you will immediately receive your Roadmap. I guide you through all 105 questions to help you frame up your BEST business & life. You will hear/see my entire Roadmap for my life and you will then complete yours. #GameChanger

Enroll today!

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