5 “Powers” to Ignite Change in Your Health, Fitness, Mindset, & Life…NOW!

Have you wondered lately, “What’s Next” in your business, career, or life? Have you had some self-talk in wonderment of what tomorrow brings for you? Have you been seeking and searching how you step into the next deeper version of YOU? On today’s episode, I am going to cover all of that…and then some!

Today, you will hear about the “5 Powers” to help you answer these aforementioned questions and we will GO DEEP on each of the 5 “Powers.” This includes:

  1. The Power of Collaboration.
  2. The Power of Dreaming.
  3. The Power of NOW.
  4. The Power of Health, Fitness, & Mindset.
  5. The Power of YOU!

Additionally, today is a special day as I’m releasing my newest book (What’s Next?). I will share today WHY I’m excited for my latest book and why I’m excited to collaborate with 27-other leading experts to help motivate and inspire YOU to be your best. The purpose of the book is to inspire people to live their absolute BEST life in this new “season” of life we are in. It really is the culmination of my thoughts on the “state of the world” and specifically where the world is at today in regards to health, fitness, mental health/mindset, energy…and LIFE. And more importantly, what are we going to do about it!

So if you are looking for a little extra juice, need a jolt of motivation or inspiration, or just need to hear some prognostications and predictions for “WHAT’S NEXT,” I believe this episode will be just what the doctor ordered. Enjoy!

Noteworthy Quotes from this Episode:

“You either rise to the level of your expectations or you fall to the level of your training.” 

“He or she who has their health has 1000 dreams; he or she who does not, has one.” – Todd Durkin

What’s Next – Igniting Change & IMPACT in Health, Fitness, and LIFE…NOW!  on AMAZON: all proceeds go towards the IMPACT Foundation – 

Are you a Trainer, Coach, or Fitness Business Owner seeking to make even more IMPACT in your business & life?

Be a part of my Todd Durkin Mastermind for Fit-Pros Now!

Are you a trainer, coach, or fitness business owner seeking to make a massive IMPACT in your business & life and would like to be coached to your full potential? Level up today with my “Best in Class” MASTERMIND program for fitness professionals. I invite you to connect, share, and grow with the fitness industry’s top coaches, trainers, and entrepreneurs. 

The Todd Durkin MASTERMIND is for passionate and purpose-driven fitness professionals who want to create success & significance in their personal and professional lives and want to be coached by Todd and surrounded by some of the brightest, sharpest, and most passionate trainers on the planet.

If that sounds like you, visit: ToddDurkinMastermind.com to sign-up for the INSTITUTE Level or email Frank Pucher, DIrector of Todd Durkin Mastermind, at  frankpucher1112@gmail.com for a FREE CLARITY CALL today.  

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Please keep your questions coming so I can highlight you on the podcast!! 

If you have a burning question and want to be featured on the IMPACT show, go to www.todddurkin.com/podcast, fill out the form, and submit your questions! 

Don’t forget that if you want more keys to unlock your potential and propel your success, you can order my book GET YOUR MIND RIGHT at www.todddurkin.com/getyourmindright or anywhere books are sold.

Get Your Mind Right now available on AUDIO:


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