Hero or Zero?

Who do you want to be a HERO to?

Think about that. Seriously. Who do you want to be a HERO to?

I believe all of us have the ability within us to be a hero.

Maybe it’s to your kids…

Or to your clients…

Or to your team…

Or to your community…

Maybe you are an athlete or coach and kids look up to you.

Maybe you’re a leading trainer, speaker, or authority and other fit-pros look up to you.

Or maybe you’re a fitness owner/entrepreneur and you have a ton of raving fans.

Let me get a little personal. Please don’t judge (it’s one of the 4 Agreements!).

I like trying to be a hero. It brings out my best.

Sometimes I play a mental game with myself and pretend I’m a superhero.

I personally like Superman because he’s always fighting “evil.” And in his constant battle of “Good vs Evil,” he always prevails. I like that even more!

Whether I’m coaching at Fitness Quest 10, speaking at an industry event, leading a Mentorship or Retreat, coaching one of my kid’s basketball or football teams, or just being Dad, I like to remind myself of my role and create mantras that allow me to operate at a level that is not in the “average category.”

I don’t like average.

I don’t like normal.

I don’t stand for mediocrity.

They actually drive me nuts. They are “mindsets” that satiate every aspect of your soul and spirit. You have to choose which one you are going to wear everyday…good or great. HERO or ZERO!

My friends, you are no different than me. You are destined for greatness and have all of the gifts inside of you to be a HERO.

Have the guts, courage, and audacity to share your gifts with the world and not care that other people may judge you, talk about you, or disagree with you.

Is it scary? Heck yeah, it’s scary!

Do you question the uncertainty of going into the unknown? You better believe it!

But it’s YOUR responsibility to be the BEST version of yourself.

If that means you have to give up “good” to be “great,” then it’s time to buck up and take action.

If that means you need to eliminate something in your life that’s holding you back, TODAY is your day.

If that means you need to commit to something that will help you fulfill your destiny and purpose, then take ACTION.

BE A HERO today and make a difference in someone’s life. #IWILL #HeroOverZero


P.S. Are you ready to take massive ACTION in your life and be the BEST version of YOU?

Whether you aspire to be a hero in the fitness industry or a hero at home, I’m proud to say I can help you get there. My ONLINE 3.5 Day Mentorship is now available after we taped this year’s LIVE event in San Diego. I unveiled my best systems, strategies, tactics, and tools on business development, personal development, leadership, and marketing to the industry’s brightest minds, and the footage can now be yours as you work towards HERO status! Get the ONLINE Mentorship HERE


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