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SOUL Fuel #3 on Parenting from Lake Norman, NC [Read & Watch This]

Good morning from Lake Norman, NC.

I’ve been here for the entire week as my son Luke plays college football at Davidson College (NC) and has back-to-back home games this week. Instead of flying back to San Diego and then back again, I figured I would just stay here and…create SOUL FUEL’s!!! 

Haha. Seriously, here is your Soul Fuel for the day.

Proverbs 22:6 states that “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Listen To Todays SOUL FUEL Now…



There is definitely NO harder job than parenting.
We teach our kids.
We guide our kids.
We mentor our kids.
We give feedback.

And they STILL have to make their own decisions.

It’s usually not until later in life, that they get it. Like get all the times you shared with them right from wrong, good from bad, the wisdom you dispensed, and all the unconditional love you provided.

My encouragement is for all you parents, mentors, teachers, coaches, and those impacting kids, keep pouring into those kiddos.

They may not get it TODAY…but when they are “old”, they will NEVER FORGET what you taught them. #KeepGoing

God bless y’all,

Todd Durkin Signature

Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                CEO, IMPACT-X Performance                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Author, Speaker, Coach, and Life-Transformer


P.S. #1. Did you miss either of our first TWO “Soul Fuels”?
If so, you can go back NOW and watch/listen to them.


SOUL FUEL #2. PERSEVERANCE—Your Personal Pilot Light


P.S. #2. Are you following the main IMPACT-X Performance page on Instagram or Facebook yet?
If not, be sure to do so as we have some “behind-the-scenes” footage and some great inspiration over there.

You can follow us here:


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