Be Humble…Be Hungry

Thank you for all the great feedback so far on my new “MindRight Maniac” series. Man, off the chart feedback and I’m glad you are enjoying the episodes. I’m reading every single comment on YouTube, FB, and IG. Thank you!!

I have a new episode that I know is going to fire you up. Let me rephrase that. This one is going to IGNITE you to all-time high levels.

It involves some of the highest performers you will ever see on any stage. And you will hear conversation and messages, along with being in the huddle with me and my athletes of all ages (HS on up to NFL superstars).

Today, I’m preaching on something that I believe is essential if you want to long-term success. It’s the principle of “BE HUMBLE—BE HUNGRY” (Thank you Kevin Plank, Under Armour).

Let’s go to the newest episode of MindRight Maniac and take a look at the grit & grind needed to be the best in the world…along with the mindset needed to continue getting better every single day.

My friends…my fellow fire-breathing dragons…my mindright maniacs running wild spreading the gospel of health, fitness, motivation, and greatness, what did you think of that?

NFL athletes like Drew Brees, Darren Sproles, Chase Daniel, and a slew of extraordinary men preparing for another championship season. And showing the HUNGER it takes to be great.

World-renown preacher Dr. David Jeremiah (Turning Point Ministries) dropping divine wisdom on HUMILITY.

My opening-talk at Scripps Ranch HS where I was laying the foundation of what we are going to do to go from a team that won 2 games last year to compete for a championship this year.

Believe it or not, there are some commonalities amongst all.

Every high performer knows it’s going to take massive hard work to attain what you want. The dream and desire to be great must be coupled with a deep desire, HUNGER, and work ethic to be great.

And on that quest for greatness, there will be many ups and downs. In a game. In a week. In a season. In a career. And it’s imperative to retain HUMILITY throughout your journey.

That’s right…one of the “secrets to success” is the mentality to #BeHumble #BeHungry!

Whether you are on the bottom of the mountain climbing up…

Or you are on the top of your game as reigning champ.

HUMILITY is a must at all stages of success. And HUNGER is a key ingredient to ongoing, long-standing, consistent success.

Enjoy the content and please pass it on to anyone you believe might benefit from this message. MindRight Maniac Episode #4 starts now….

Much love, much hunger… and much humility!



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