Less is More
Less Is More Brett Klika Getting athletes and athlete wanna-bees stronger and more resilient to injury is a simplicity proposition. Pick a few proven effective drills, then get really good at teaching and doing them. Too many coaches make the mistake of employing hundreds of drills they don’t really know how to teach, so their […]
A Simple Guide to Healthier Children
A Simple Guide to Healthier Children by Brett Klika I spend quite a bit of time with parents, consulting on how to help their kids eat better, move more, and get fit. To help simplify the process, I’ve created an easy reference chart to provide quick answers to the most common questions. Feel free to […]
Happy Mother
A Job Well Done; Thanks Mom! Brett Klika C.S.C.S. Happy Mother’s Day to all of the women who have made so many sacrifices to put smiles on their baby’s faces, food in their tummies, and love in their hearts. Us grown up babies wouldn’t be where we are today without mom’s nurturing patience, understanding, and […]
Don’t Eat That; It’s Poison!!
Don’t Eat That; It’s Poison! Brett Klika, C.S.C.S. As you know, the following foods are poison and if you eat them, you will explode: 1. Meat because of saturated fat, poor quality (hormones, etc) and animals are cute 2. Milk and dairy products because of lactose, hormones, and questionable bioavailability of nutrients 3. Eggs because […]
5 Days to a Fit Family
5 Days to a Fit Family If you have young kids, a job, and other life commitments, you know how difficult it is to create a “culture of wellness” at home. Allotments of time and energy are not infinite, nor is the time span at which your son or daughter is not “too cool” to […]
Home Sweets Home
Brett Klika Brettklika.com If you have kids, I’m sure you want to do everything in your power to make sure they grow up healthy and happy. With the current disturbing statistics about youth obesity (1 in 3 youth is overweight), fingers are pointing in every direction as to who or what is causing this problem […]
A Culture of Mental Toughness
A Culture of Mental Toughness Brett Klika C.S.C.S. “Mental toughness!!” the overweight, out of shape, red faced, coach screamed as his team did their umpteenth set of “gassers” at a 10k pace. He nodded and smirked knowingly at his coaching staff who was fervently echoing his sentiments. They had succeeded that day. The athletes were […]
Putting the “Physical” Back in Education
Putting the “Physical” Back in Education Brett Klika C.S.C.S. I won’t beat the statistic into the ground anymore. Unless you live under a rock, you have read, seen, and possibly experienced, modern stats demonstrating about 1/3 of our youth are overweight. According to the center for disease control, the number of extremely overweight youth has […]
Cross-Fit for Athletes?
Cross-Fit for Athletes? Brett Klika C.S.C.S. Cross Fit is the latest rage in fitness. Millions tune in to watch Cross-Fit athletes display herculean strength, endurance, and physical adaptability on ESPN. Thousands of Cross Fit gyms are springing up all over the world serving every demographic from beginning exercisers to professional athletes. While this exercise and […]
“Coach” is a Verb, Not a Noun
By Brett Klika C.S.C.S. What makes a great coach? Is it the number of years they spent in school studying coaching? Probably not, as the 5 most successful coaches that immediately come to mind do not have a “Dr.” in front of their name. Is it their own successful athletic prowess? No again, as I […]