Traditions With Dad

Traditions With Dad By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS One of my favorite traditions when I was a boy was spending time with my dad in our local Hallmark card store on his birthday. I can vividly remember between the ages of 10-15 years old going to the Hallmark store and reading every birthday card made […]

The IMPACT Question Corner

Thanks for your questions on our Facebook LIKE Pages ( and on our Twitter feed ( this past week.  I always enjoy hearing from you and connecting via our Social Media outlets. If you have a question that you would like to ask, please visit one of the links above and share your question.  I […]

A Culture of Mental Toughness

A Culture of Mental Toughness Brett Klika C.S.C.S. “Mental toughness!!” the overweight, out of shape, red faced, coach screamed as his team did their umpteenth set of “gassers” at a 10k pace.  He nodded and smirked knowingly at his coaching staff who was fervently echoing his sentiments.   They had succeeded that day.  The athletes were […]

The IMPACT Question Corner

I recently asked my followers on Facebook & Twitter for their most pressing questions as it relates to health & fitness. I received some great questions and going to answer a few of them now. Q: As a trainer, is it important to makes sure your clients wear a heart rate monitor? A: I highly […]

Easier to Stop than Start, taking it to the next level in 2012!

By Natalie Brown, MS, CSCS Director of Todd Durkin Enterprises and Personal Trainer at Fitness Quest 10 2012 can be your best year ever! The first month of the New Year is almost at a close and we are all making game changing moves to propel us to the next level. I suspect individually we […]

Cross-Fit for Athletes?

Cross-Fit for Athletes? Brett Klika C.S.C.S. Cross Fit is the latest rage in fitness. Millions tune in to watch Cross-Fit athletes display herculean strength, endurance, and physical adaptability on ESPN. Thousands of Cross Fit gyms are springing up all over the world serving every demographic from beginning exercisers to professional athletes. While this exercise and […]

“Coach” is a Verb, Not a Noun

By Brett Klika C.S.C.S. What makes a great coach? Is it the number of years they spent in school studying coaching? Probably not, as the 5 most successful coaches that immediately come to mind do not have a “Dr.” in front of their name. Is it their own successful athletic prowess? No again, as I […]


By Todd Durkin, MA, C.S.C.S. I want to talk about clutter. It’s time to put an end to it. Where’s your clutter? Maybe it’s in your physical environment: your clothes closet, home office, trunk of the car, kitchen pantry, etc. Or, maybe it’s in your mental or emotional environment – sometimes your mind gets cluttered […]

90 Day Wonder

By Todd Durkin, MA, C.S.C.S. People often ask me the question, “How do you get done all that you get done in a day?”  My answer is actually a fairly simple one.  I have been disciplined about doing a series of exercises that have helped me stay laser-focused on my personal and professional development.  And […]