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This is Your Half!

HALF-TIME Adjustments…
By Todd Durkin MA, CSCS

HALF-TIME. In most sports, half-time is extremely important. And there are a few things that you usually do at half-time that are essential.

As a matter of fact, allow me to take you in the “locker-room” for a brief-moment and share what typically happens behind closed-doors.

First things first, you go to the bathroom. 🙂
You change your under-shirt.
You hydrate.
You get a snack.
You relax for a few minutes.
And then you go back to the drawing board with your coaches.

HALF-TIME is a time when great coaches make key adjustments to their game-plan to put their teams in situations to succeed. And hopefully win.

Adjustments made at HALF-TIME can often determine if a team wins or loses the game.

And guess what? This week is “HALF-TIME.”

Tuesday (June 30) marks the last day of June.
Wednesday is the 1st of July.

That means we are exactly HALF-WAY through the 2015 year.

The WOW this week is HALF-TIME.


1. Review your “1st half” of 2015.
How is 2015 going thus far? What did you learn in the “first-half”? What were your wins? What were your losses or mistakes made? What are you doing well right now? What were your “AHA’s” you discovered?

2. Review your “Annual Roadmap & Strategic Plan” that many of you many have completed with me back in January. This is your actual “game-plan” that YOU created to craft up your best year. Out of that entire exercise, I want you to review your BIG 5 for 2015. These are the 5 things you MUST do in 2015 to make it a great year. A year that you would be proud of. A year that would allow you to leave your mark. A year that would create IMPACT.

What are your BIG 5 of the Year? Revisit them and make sure they are still speaking to you…These things MUST get done THIS YEAR to make it a winning year!

Like my earlier illustration of what happens in a typical locker-room at halftime, it’s also common for the coach to end HALF-TIME by telling their team that the first 5 minutes of the 2nd half (or 3rd quarter) are imperative to the start of a STRONG FINISH. “You gotta come out fast and hard and hit ‘em in da teefs!”

This week is the perfect time for YOU to pick up some steam & get MO-MENTUM in your business & life.

What do you NEED to do this week to dial in your FOCUS to ensure a winning 2nd half?

HALF-TIME. Enjoy this week. And come out of the gates fast & hard…and hit ‘em in da teefs!”



Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS, is an internationally-recognized performance trainer, bodyworker, speaker, author, and owner of award-winning gym Fitness Quest 10 in San Diego, CA (one of the Top 10 Gyms in the U.S.). His outstanding team of 38 professionals deliver extraordinary service in personal training, sports performance training, massage/bodywork, Pilates, yoga, physical therapy and chiropractic. Todd is the Lead Training Advisor for Under Armour, regular contributor to Men’s Health, and author of The IMPACT! Body Plan.

Todd Durkin created a “DOSE of DURKIN” to motivate and inspire people through weekly text messages every Monday morning that infuse video, audio, or just plain text messages. They are guaranteed to get your mind right and fire-you up. Check out to OPT-IN and start receiving your FREE messages.

Todd is also the President/CEO of Todd Durkin Enterprises where he conducts motivational keynotes/presentations, educational & leadership workshops, he operates a Mastermind Group for dedicated fitness entrepreneurs, and he presents internationally on health, fitness, peak performance, and success in life.

You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram at @ToddDurkin, his FB Fan page at ToddDurkinFQ10, or sign up for his monthly motivational newsletter at You can get more information on his facility at or

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