What does your future look like? What drives your vision? What gives you hope that “tomorrow” will be better than “today?”
While we all know there are no guarantees in life (can I get an Amen on that?), I do know that having a vision for your life and what you want based on your purpose is tremendously energizing and empowering.
For many years, I have done “vision boards.” You know, where you set intentions and put words, quotes, and pictures of what you desire on a board. And you hang it in your room or home office so that you “see” your vision every day. And be reminded of WHY you do WHAT you do and WHAT you need to do to get to where you want to go.
As a matter of fact, I did my first vision board in 2006 at a business conference I was at. And I loved it.
Actually, I probably unofficially did my 1st “vision board” back in high school when I had a poster board of many of the many colleges I sought to attend. I looked at that “vision board” every day for 4-years. And it worked by keeping my dream alive to attend college on a football scholarship.
Fast forward to today. I’ve probably done a dozen “real” vision boards since my first formal one in 2006.
And in 2010, I started folding vision board exercises into my teaching of my students at retreats, Mastermind meetings, and personal growth workshops.
One of my first students who completed this exercise in 2010 is Vito LaFata.
At the time, Vito was a burnt-out fitness business owner who desired something different. As a matter of fact, if I tell you what his VISION was, you would probably laugh.
But let me tell you anyway.
Vito’s vision board in 2010 was to sell his fitness business, get married to a beautiful woman, and eventually buy a vineyard in CA where he could help people discover their deepest purpose.
Seriously. Don’t laugh.
He wanted to combine his passion for good wine, a great lifestyle, and help people live their best life all in one.
And that was the essence of his vision board and intentions.
Fast forward to today. 10-years later. Guess what Vito LaFata and his wife Anna Renderer (former Fitness Quest 10 standout trainer & PopSugar Fitness host) are doing?
They own a vineyard in Temecula, CA.
They grow grapes on their 4-acres to produce wine.
They lead “Vision in the Vineyard” retreats to help people crystallize their purpose and vision for their life.
They help people grow their online brand and business with their “Visionary Planner” business.
Needless to say, his vision has come true and he’s living his dream.
As a matter of fact, I interviewed Vito LaFata on the Todd Durkin IMPACT Show podcast today on how he used a VISION BOARD and a driving vision to catapult his results and create the life he envisioned a decade ago…and how you can do the same in a lot LESS time.
LISTEN NOW as I know you will love the episode.
In today’s episode, you will learn:
- The ONE thing that’s most important to be successful online today.
- The 5-phases of building your online brand & business.
- Why social media alone will not build a long-term sustainable business model.
- What’s working in social media and what’s not.
- How Vito went from a burnt-out brick & mortar business owner to potentiating his vision of owning a vineyard and leading retreats to help people discover, create, and live their deepest purpose.
- How do you build an online business if you don’t have a lot of money or a big following yet?
- Why having a strong online presence will ultimately allow you to create more success and scale your impact.
My friends, it goes without saying, you gotta have a vision. Listen to this episode as I believe it will expand your mind and vision of what the future holds. Vito is a great example of this and I know you will receive a ton of wisdom.
Enjoy the show…and get working on YOUR vision.
After all, the best is yet to come! Keep looking forward.
Much love…and a huge empowering VISION for your future!
P.S. #1. FREE ‘GET ONLINE’ WORKSHOP this Saturday, Sept 26th
I invite you to join Anna, Vito and urs truly for a special 1-Day Virtual Workshop. If you’re truly serious about building an online business (not just an online service or 1-on-1 coaching) then you don’t want to miss out on this deep dive training led by Vito, Anna and myself as a special guest!
The Free 4 Hour workshop will be hosted inside their Online Business Success Secrets Group, Saturday Sept 26th. Request to be added here and join us LIVE to get your questions answered and have a chance to win prizes! https://www.thevisionaryplanner.com/free-group-signup
Let them know TD sent you
P.S. #2. My Vision
I’m working on my “new” vision for 2021 and beyond already. I’m willing to share it when the Vision Board is done. #ComingSoon #ThinkBIG