Last Wednesday, I had the opportunity to teach some of my teammates at Fitness Quest 10 a “goal-setting” exercise. Part of it was on “Finishing STRONG” for 2022. The other part was sharing with them my newest, most up-to-date Annual Strategic Plan.
I LOVED sharing and walking them through this “exercise” as I know what a major difference maker alone it is IF they do it. Both personally and professionally.
Someone asked me the other day if it’s “too early” to start planning for 2023.
I said, “Absolutely NOT. As a matter of fact, since the first section of my new God-Sized Dreams Planner is a reflection on 2022, it definitely is NOT too early. As a matter of fact, I believe that if you could get 2-3 ‘sit-downs’ between now and January 1st to do some deep, intensive work ‘ON’ YOU both personally and professionally, it will be a major game-changer as you go ROARING into 2023.”
My friends, I am SO PUMPED to announce that I just released TWO Life-Changing products that I know can make a profound difference in your life.
I would LOVE to share them with YOU right now and extend the opportunity for you to get even more IMPACT in your life by getting BOTH products.
Product #1. My “God-Sized Dreams Planner 2023”
This is my 2nd year releasing my “GSD Planner” and this year it’s even better than last year. And we had some rave reviews last year for those who used it.
Here are some of the “BIG” highlights for your new “God-Sized Dreams Planner”:
- A new “Annual Strategic Plan” for 2023. This is my deepest and most powerful “exercise” of the year and I only offer it here. You can’t get it elsewhere unless I personally coach you so THIS is your time to get your hands on this life-changing “exercise.” This is the same one I shared with my Fitness Quest 10 team last week. You’re going to want to get the GSD Planner for this “exercise” alone!
- The 2023 God-Sized Dreams Planner has my complete system to WIN…your year, month, week, and day. Literally. It will help you get more focus, clarity, and conviction to not only amp-up your energy and desire for success but it will allow you to frame-up the gameplan to EXECUTE what needs to get done to make this your BEST year possible.
This includes all of the following sections in your GSD Planner:
- “10-Forms of Wealth”—A “quick” assessment each & every month to help you identify where you want/need to set specific monthly goals to amplify your success, happiness, and fulfillment.
- “3-in-30”—These are your specific goals & action steps to help you WIN each & every month.
- “W.L.A.G.’s”—My weekly system to maximize productivity for your week.
- “Win The Day Formula”—This is your “TO DO” section that is all about prioritizing the things you MUST DO & NEED to do (instead of “want to do”) that will help you literally maximize each & every day.
- I have changed the DAILY, WEEKLY, and MONTHLY calendar & scheduler sections to allow for even more space and planning. You’re going to LOVE these upgrades.
- We have TABS for the different “sections” of the Planner this year. It’s a “little” thing but it’s going to help you easily skip around to your different parts of your Planner. You’re going to love this upgrade.
- It is SPIRAL-BOUND!!! “Little” thing again…but HUGE upgrade.
The “God-Sized Dreams Planner” is my actual SYSTEM that I have used for years to create success & IMPACT. Now I’m sharing my complete system with you to help you PRODUCE even better results in ALL areas of your life. It will allow you to “reverse engineer” your success from your year all the way down to your day. Heck, all the way down into your hour. Now that is IMPACT!!!

Product #2. My brand-new 1st-time EVER…. IMPACT JOURNAL!!
For many years, many of you asked me HOW to journal.
You have asked me WHAT I specifically journal.
You have asked me for my exact routine.
And I’ve shared some of my macro morning routines and evening routines.
But never have I shared my specific prompts and system that I personally use for my “Morning Routine” and my “Evening Routine”… as it relates to JOURNALING.
Until NOW!!!
My new IMPACT JOURNAL is my EXACT routine I use in the morning…and my EXACT routine I use in the evening.
It’s “simple” to follow and do.
5 minutes in the Morning.
5 minutes in the Evening.
“10-Minutes” TOTAL a day.
But you gotta do it to experience for what it WILL do in your life.
My IMPACT JOURNAL bookends “Gratitude” first thing in the morning.
And it ends with GRATITUDE as the final thing at night.
This ensures that you start everyday with gratitude… and that finish every night with gratitude upon reflection of your day.
It really will help you “Dominate Your Day” each & every day.

Who is the IMPACT JOURNAL for?
- You want to START a journaling practice.
- You’ve been looking for a journal to get more structure to your existing “journaling” practice.
- You want to live with more intentionality.
- You want to super-charge your morning routine. Coupled with prayer & meditation, this is going to SUPER-CHARGE your day.
- You want to improve your evening routine. This includes improving the quality of your sleep because you’re tossing, turning, or waking up with angst, anxiety, or a “busy” mind (like I was).
- Anyone looking to “Dominate Your Day.” When you invest 5-minutes working in your IMPACT Journal in the morning….and you invest 5-minutes in your IMPACT JOURNAL at night, you will receive more clarity, focus, energy, serenity, and peace in your days ahead.
Why Journal at Night…and the Morning?
Truth be told, I’ve been journaling in the morning for years. But I started consistently journaling at night in the midst of the pandemic. That “thing” about killed me.
I needed more clarity.
I needed to “leave the long days behind” when the day was over and NOT take it to bed. I was exhausted but sleeping like garbage.
I needed to get “My mind right” and “soul right” not only in the morning, but in the evening as well. Too much angst, worry, fear, and “busyness” was over-taking my mind. Yep. Even me.
So I started journaling at night…as well as the morning.
And doing a few minutes in the morning and a few minutes in the evening made a HUGE difference. Honestly, it saved me from deeper burnout and about SAVED my life. And that it not an exaggeration.
Get Your “God-Sized Dreams Planner 2023” & Your IMPACT JOURNAL Together…
Both of these products make for a great brother/sister companion COMBO.
They do NOT overlap and complement each other perfectly.
The IMPACT JOURNAL is an actual journal to help you really set your daily intentions, be more in the “NOW”, discover more control in your life, and help you re-invigorate your AM & PM routines.
The GSD Planner is unlike any other “Planner” product on the market. It is my complete system that will help you plan and schedule all the way down to the day and hour.

Thanks for allowing me to share my complete system with you. I know that if you use one or BOTH of these, they are guaranteed to not only get you great results in your life…but they will help you create your MAX IMPACT!
The “IMPACT JOURNAL” & “God-Sized Dreams Planner 2023” make GREAT GIFTS for the holidays…and you can SAVE between 20- 30% if you act before Dec 4th!!!
Both the “God-Sized Dreams 2023” and “IMPACT JOURNAL” make for great gifts.
And we have a 20% discount on BOTH products right now.
Additionally, if you would like an even further “bulk-discount” because you would like to GIFT the IMPACT JOURNAL and/or the GSD Planner to your team, family, clients/members, or people special in your life and you are going to get MORE THAN 20 of either/both products, you will receive a 30% BULK DISCOUNT.