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The Blog

Happy Mother’s Day

There’s a story behind everyone…and behind your story is always your mother’s story…because hers is where yours begins.”—Mitch Albom

Mom. What a sweet word. It conjures up such sweet thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

My mom truly is a saint. She raised 8-kids.  She epitomizes radiance, positivity, persistence, commitment, selflessness, adventurous, and LOVE.

She gave me the gifts of empathy, compassion, a strong mindset, toughness…and LOVE.

I am extremely grateful she is still living at the age of 83 years old. As a matter of fact, I’m looking forward to seeing her in a couple weeks in Orlando, FL, when I venture down there to rile up the crowd at Perform Better. She now resides as a “snow-bird” in Florida year-round.

And I’m going to be “super” pumped to Mom in Las Vegas this summer with me when I receive the Jack LaLanne Award at IDEA World in July. Can’t wait to bring her out to the show, have her in the crowd, and honor her for helping me be the man I am today.

Today, in honor of Mother’s Day this weekend, I have a gift for YOU!!!

I shared that I have been recently filming my audio version of the WOW BOOK. And I just completed it. It will take a few weeks to edit and get uploaded to Audible but I have a treat for you today…on behalf of my Mom…and all the Mom’s out there who make this world a better place to live.

I would like to GIFT YOU Chapter #29 of the audio WOW BOOK called “MOM” so that you can experience it NOW via audio.



Chapter #29 of the audio WOW BOOK—“MOM” for FREE Now!!

To ALL the Mom’s out there…thank you for what you do each and every day. You truly do make the world better!!

Have a great Mother’s Day weekend.




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