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Q&A with TD–5 Questions on Energy, Faith, Wisdom, Parenting, & Gratitude | Ep. 388

These Q&A sessions are always some of my favorite episodes when I get to answer YOUR direct questions from our loyal podcast listeners. It allows us to go deep on things that are on your mind and would like me to address. In this week’s Q&A episode, I get to answer 5 questions ranging from faith to parenting to best habits for creating maximum energy to my current workout & nutrition routine for maximum energy.

Here is what specifically I cover on this week’s episode:

Question 1. “You have relentless energy. Can you run down your current daily routine as it relates to nutrition, supplementation, workout, mindset, etc.?” (IG: @MikeMum)

Question 2. “What is your faith journey?” (IG: @s_tollers)

Question 3. “Hey Todd. I’m a 12th grade student at Christian HS, I just went to your chapel, and I have a question for you. If you were able to travel back in time and give one piece of advice to yourself in HS, what would it be? (Jackson Barnes)

Question 4. I am In need of help with my son. He’s 10. I’m afraid that my spouse is ruining his athletic experience. I have been a trainer/coach for 15 years but I feel stuck. I need help with learning how to get my son’s confidence back. What can I do to help the situation?

Question 5. I see you going to NC every weekend to see your son Luke play his senior year. What’s the driving reason you are doing that EVERY weekend and how hard is it to commit to that?        (IG: @Tim_Carter23)

That’s a wrap. I hope you enjoy today’s episode. Please be sure to share it with your friends, family, and community. Additionally, please make sure you are subscribed to our IMPACT SHOW so you don’t miss a single episode. If any of these questions or answers resonate deeply, if you could kindly share it on your Social Media, that would be much appreciated.

You can tag us at:
IG: @ToddDurkin
#IMPACTSHOW #Podcast #Ep388

Top Quotes:

“Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not
depart from it.” ~Proverbs 22:6

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