My Fitness Journey: Vanessa Corrigen
“Physical fitness is the first requisite of happiness. Our interpretation of physical fitness is the attainment and maintenance of a uniformly developed body with a sound mind fully capable of naturally, easily, and satisfactorily performing our many varied daily tasks with spontaneous zest and pleasure” -Joseph Pilates My fitness journey into the world of Pilates […]
My Fitness Journey: Jeff King
I am a trainer. I am a person who loves to workout and inspire people to reach their health and fitness goals. I am a person who is aware of what I eat and how it affects me. I am a father who wants to inspire my daughter to live a lifestyle where physical, mental, […]
My Fitness Journey: Ryan Rogers
I have always loved sports growing up. From a very early age, I was very active and enjoyed trying as many different sports and activities as I could. I played soccer, baseball, and flag and tackle football in grade school. In junior high I would ride my bike all over and try to jump over […]
Brett Klika—One of a Kind!
Brett Klika—One of a Kind! By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS It was early in the year 2000 when a young man walked into my newly opened personal training studio looking for a job as a trainer. He looked like he was 14 years old and hadn’t even started shaving yet. But I could tell something […]
Don’t Eat That; It’s Poison!!
Don’t Eat That; It’s Poison! Brett Klika, C.S.C.S. As you know, the following foods are poison and if you eat them, you will explode: 1. Meat because of saturated fat, poor quality (hormones, etc) and animals are cute 2. Milk and dairy products because of lactose, hormones, and questionable bioavailability of nutrients 3. Eggs because […]
A Culture of Mental Toughness
A Culture of Mental Toughness Brett Klika C.S.C.S. “Mental toughness!!” the overweight, out of shape, red faced, coach screamed as his team did their umpteenth set of “gassers” at a 10k pace. He nodded and smirked knowingly at his coaching staff who was fervently echoing his sentiments. They had succeeded that day. The athletes were […]
“Coach” is a Verb, Not a Noun
By Brett Klika C.S.C.S. What makes a great coach? Is it the number of years they spent in school studying coaching? Probably not, as the 5 most successful coaches that immediately come to mind do not have a “Dr.” in front of their name. Is it their own successful athletic prowess? No again, as I […]
Learn From Your Kids
By Brett Klika, C.S.C.S. Director of Athletics, Fitness Quest 10 The primary difference between training adults and youth is that training youth is all about giving them something physically constructive to do with “all that energy.” For adults, it’s all about giving them some energy by giving them something physically constructive to do. Youth are little […]
Making Good Great
By Brett Klika C.S.C.S. Director of Athletics, Fitness Quest 10 Every day, big, fast, and strong athletes are working to be bigger, faster, stronger, so they can one day be the biggest, fastest, and strongest. The process of working towards athletic success is one of constantly addressing strengths and weaknesses, and striving to get better. […]
Adults and Fat Loss Do this, not That
Brett Klika C.S.C.S. It has helped us humans stay alive during hard times for thousands of years, but now we have too much of it and it’s hard to get rid of. I’m talking about the extra “meat” around the middle, the “baggage” on the butt, and the “thunder” on the thighs. The battle to […]