What I Fear the Most

Today, I want to talk about FEAR. It’s a topic that comes up often and it’s important to address. Because we ALL have fear in us. Even me!  As a matter of fact, I recently shared a post on Instagram that said, “RUN TO THE THINGS YOU ARE SCARED OF.” I received some great comments and even […]

This absolutely freaked me out!


We all have FEARS in life. I’m no different. I don’t like snakes. And I don’t like heights. So when I visited the Shanghai Pearl Tower last week in downtown Shanghai, China, I had to face one of my fears…HEIGHTS! As a matter of fact, instead of me writing about it, just watch me “hover” […]

The Importance of a Mentor

Today, I want to share someone special with you. He’s a trainer at Fitness Quest 10. He started as an intern back in 2013. He’s a former hockey player. And he epitomizes the words PASSION, PURPOSE, and IMPACT. My friends, meet someone I have been mentoring now for a few years and someone I’ve very […]

Afraid To Be Successful

Afraid To Be Successful By: Lindsey Richardson As I was standing in the break-room at work a few weeks back, one of my close colleagues and mentors was chatting with another one of my teammates. As they were chatting about blogging and products, my name came up, and I heard him say to my other […]

The Art of Settling

If anyone has perfected the art of settling in a lifetime, I have. I must admit before proceeding, I am impatient. I, just like many of the younger generation out there suffer from the “I want it now” syndrome. And although I suffer from “I want it now,” I also remember when things weren’t so […]