The Importance of Sleep

A good night’s sleep is necessary to perform at the highest level in school, work, and/or sports.  Getting the correct amount of rest is vitally important to our body’s function, in reducing stress, and in keeping us productive.  It is generally recommended that adults get six to nine hours of sleep a night, but as we try […]

The World’s Mine Oyster

If your muscles are refusing to grow or make strength gains despite your relentless efforts in the gym, perhaps it’s time to look back a few centuries to the works of none other than William Shakespeare to help you break out of your training rut.  While Mr. Shakespeare hardly had the slightest notion that he […]

SEO 101 (Keywords Reviled)

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Part 1 Google Keyword Tool For this post I decided to do a video where I explain how to use the Google Keyword Tool to pick your keywords for SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for websites as well as tagging. This post is more geared toward fitness professionals that are looking to […]

At Least A 1000 Ways To Eat Oatmeal

Eat Breakfast or Else… First, why breakfast?  It is extremely important that you start your day off right by fueling up, increasing energy, mental alertness, and giving your brain, body, and muscles the glucose they need to function.  Oatmeal is an awesome (if not the best) way to do just that. The health benefits gained […]

Drink Debate

Remember hearing about all those studies telling the world that chocolate milk is the best post workout recovery drink?  Sounds pretty good; after all who doesn’t like a big glass of cold, thick, chocolate milk to congratulate themselves on a workout well done?  So what exactly are the advantages of this classic drink over all […]

Football and Yoga?

The world we live in today accepts health as being multidimensional – a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being as defined by the World Health Organization.  To maintain physical health, individuals must eat right and exercise regularly.  Mental health requires low stress levels and regular intellectual challenges.  Social well-being involves sustaining both an […]

Jumping Rope: Quick, Easy, Effective

If you are looking to improve your overall quickness or jumping ability, or even if you are looking for an alternative form of cardio, one simple tool that is often overlooked or forgotten about is the jump rope. While jumping rope is a skill and does take some coordination and rhythm, it is a very […]


In today’s world the clock dictates everything.  Our work, our sleep, and our free time are all subject to the swing of the pendulum, and often there seems to not be enough hours in the day to complete what we feel needs to be completed.  Unfortunately, we usually end up rushing through, or skipping over […]

Raw Foods: Healthy for Athletes?

When most people imagine raw foods and what a raw foods diet must entail, they probably don’t think of a high-energy diet that could sustain the large amount of physical activity and exercise that athletes undergo.  Raw foods is a concept that a growing group of people in America have incorporated into their diets in the […]

Self Myo-Fascial Release

      What’s up all?  Eric Isselin here.  I’m a sports massage therapist and personal training intern over at Fitness Quest 10.  As part of our internship we will be writing weekly blog posts about topics we are both knowledgeable and passionate about.  Don’t miss out on a great opportunity  to get valuable information outside […]