5 Ways to Avoid Burnout
Have you experienced any form of burnout over the last 2-years? Have you felt any twinge of exhaustion, fatigue, or uncertainty as well? Perhaps you have even felt stuck, stalled, or frustrated with your job or the line of work you are in and you have felt like you need to tweak a few things […]
A moment with my pup Jersey!
Last Friday, I got in my first “real” workout in almost 2-weeks. Coming from someone who has rarely missed a few days in a row (unless I was sick or hurt), that was A LOT of time without working out. And it felt GREAT to get in a good sweat. These days most people are […]
TD Spittin’ FIRE—Get Your Mind Right!
Are you ready to receive a few minutes of pure ENERGIA and have some positivity infiltrate your veins? Do you need to stoke the fire within your soul and throw some igniter-fluid or kerosene on it? Well, today’s SPITTIN’ FIRE episode is going to do exactly that! This episode reminds you of WHO you are, […]