Last Friday, I got in my first “real” workout in almost 2-weeks.
Coming from someone who has rarely missed a few days in a row (unless I was sick or hurt), that was A LOT of time without working out. And it felt GREAT to get in a good sweat.
These days most people are working out to “feel good,” “burn stress,” “build immunity,” and “get their mind right,” versus just training to look a certain way. Me too.
I believe you will agree that there is NOTHING like the feeling of a GREAT WORKOUT these days.
Although I was still using a “walker” (2-weeks out of knee surgery) last week, that didn’t prevent me from getting in a great upper-body workout and getting my mind right.
Here is what I did:
- Bench Press x 20
- TRX Curls + Rows x 7 + 7
- SuperBand Tricep Pressdowns x max
- Dumbbell Bicep Curls x 15
- Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks x 10 + max hold
3 rounds of that bad-boy. It took me about 25-minutes since I was hobbling around. But boy-o-boy did it feel good!
Basic. Simple. And brain-chemistry changing! It felt SO GOOD to train again.
After the workout, my training partner, “Jersey Dog,” came up to me and THANKED ME for training. No joke. He really did.
“Jersey” sat in front of the bench, looked me in the eyes, and said, “Nice job Pops. Way to blast the Arm Farm. Now let’s get that leg better so we can resume our walks.” 🙂
Well, he said something like that anyway!
My friends, never under-estimate the power of a “simple” basic workout.
Especially when you don’t feel like training as those are often your BEST workouts. That is when you NEED it the most!
They’re mind-altering. Body pumping. Energy manifesting. And completely game changing.
No excuses. Get it in. Today.
Need a Boost of Confidence?! Check out today’s podcast!!
Have you ever had your confidence rocked or shattered?
Have you ever needed a boost of belief, courage, or confidence or you just needed to “Get Your Mind Right?”
If so, you’re going to love today’s IMPACT Show podcast. Meet my good friend Trish Blackwell, one of the top “Confidence Coaches” in the world who has an amazing gift to help people train their brain and double down on their confidence to quiet self-doubt. In a world full of fear, anger, and self-doubt, Trish drops some amazing nuggets in today’s episode.
Listen NOW…
Specifically, here is what you learn and receive from this episode:
- How to set deep intentions & ultimately manifest them.
- How to change & train your thoughts to make sure they don’t kill you but “feed” your creativity and confidence.
- How the “hustle culture” is a huge confidence killer.
- How you can use self-doubt as fuel for moving forward.
- What is the “insecurity detox” and how do you combat insecurity.
- Trish’s best-habits for high-performance and building her own confidence.
- Why YOUR STORY should boost your confidence and energize you for the future.
Trish is a special woman and I’ve known her for a long time. I used to coach her in my “Power of 10” Mastermind and now she’s now doing extraordinary things in the world to instill belief, courage, and confidence to many people.
Check it out NOW…
Create a great Christmas week my friends. While it’s a “shorter” week than most, I hope you get in your workouts and have incredible time with your loved ones…even your 4-legged furry friends!
Much love…and lots of Upper Body!