What Would You Do If You Had Cancer?

What Would You Do If You Had Cancer? By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS I want to introduce you to a dear friend of mine named Peter Twist. If you are a trainer/coach/fitness pro, you most likely know of Pete. If you are a fitness enthusiast or Fitness Quest 10 client/fan, you may not know of […]
Miracle On Ice
MIRACLE ON ICE By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS It was February 22, 1980 and I was just 9-years old. And I remember the day like it was just last year. I was at soccer practice for the “Brick Rowdies” at the old Lanes Mills Elementary School in Brick, NJ, and all the parents were huddled […]
“My Fitness Journey,” featuring FQ10 Trainer Jesse Dietrick
My fitness journey started where most other California fitness pro’s journey does not start: on ice. Before I can even remember, I have always had a deep love and passion for playing hockey. I grew up in an active family. My mom is a trainer and my dad is an avid runner. Between the two […]