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What Would You Do If You Had Cancer?

What Would You Do If You Had Cancer?
By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS

I want to introduce you to a dear friend of mine named Peter Twist. If you are a trainer/coach/fitness pro, you most likely know of Pete.

If you are a fitness enthusiast or Fitness Quest 10 client/fan, you may not know of him.

Until now.
DOD Pete Twist

I have known “Twister” for over 15 years. He’s a world-class strength & conditioning coach who travels the world spreading his message. We often share the same platform and I’ve always had tremendous respect for his work.

Peter spent 11 years as the head strength coach of the Vancouver Canucks in the NHL.
He has been in the industry for over 25 years.
He has owned his business, Twist Conditioning in Vancouver, Canada, for 18 years.
He is a pioneer. He’s a force of nature. He is a legend.

In 2011, Peter was diagnosed with Stage 4 head & neck cancer.
There are only 4 stages.

I recently caught up with Peter at the Perform Better Long Beach Summit where we were both presenting.

Take a look/listen to this Dose of Durkin. It’s about as deep a story you are going to hear and will undoubtedly give you great inspiration from listening.

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The last 4 years have been one of tremendous growth and newfound perspective for Peter. And his IMPACT has gone to all-time high levels.

Hopefully, it doesn’t take a “cancer-diagnosis” for you to do a deep introspection on the IMPACT you are having in the world.

If you knew you had only 12 months left to live, how would you be spending your time? What would you do? And why are you waiting to do it?

My friends, let’s be sure to LIVE LIFE to the fullest this week and not wait to do the things we really want to do in life.

Peter’s story is one that should remind us of the perspective that’s needed to live life to the fullest.

Today, be sure to “Live a life worth telling a story about.” And oh-yeah, have some fun while doing it. Life is short—soak it up. Thanks Peter for reminding us of how precious life really is.

Much love…and much perspective.


P.S. A few years ago, after Peter was diagnosed, I went up to Vancouver and spent some time with “Twister.” Take a look at the blog I wrote on him then as it contains some really important information, including the recipe for the “27 ingredient Twister Jungle Juice.”

P.P.S. For more information on Pete, feel free to look him up at

Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS, is an internationally-recognized performance trainer, bodyworker, speaker, author, and owner of award-winning gym Fitness Quest 10 in San Diego, CA (one of the Top 10 Gyms in the U.S.). His outstanding team of 38 professionals deliver extraordinary service in personal training, sports performance training, massage/bodywork, Pilates, yoga, physical therapy and chiropractic. Todd is the Lead Training Advisor for Under Armour, regular contributor to Men’s Health, and author of The IMPACT! Body Plan.

Todd Durkin created a “DOSE of DURKIN” to motivate and inspire people through weekly text messages every Monday morning that infuse video, audio, or just plain text messages. They are guaranteed to get your mind right and fire-you up. Check out to OPT-IN and start receiving your FREE messages.

Todd is also the President/CEO of Todd Durkin Enterprises where he conducts motivational keynotes/presentations, educational & leadership workshops, he operates a Mastermind Group for dedicated fitness entrepreneurs, and he presents internationally on health, fitness, peak performance, and success in life.

You can follow him on Twitter and Instagram at @ToddDurkin, his FB Fan page at ToddDurkinFQ10, or sign up for his monthly motivational newsletter at You can get more information on his facility at or

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