Stressed Out? Eat Up!

By: Tara Coleman Courtesy of the Total Gym Inside blog You are so stressed out and busy that your sleep is either long and restless or solid but way too short. So you wake up and start pounding coffee to get going. There’s no time to eat so by the time you get around to it you […]

Home Is Where The Health Is

Home is Where the Health Is Brett Klika C.S.C.S. Our youth are getting fat and unhealthy.  You can beat the stats to death, but the consensus is that in less than 20 years, 1 out of 3 American children will be obese.  Not just a little baby fat, clinically obese.  Along with this condition comes […]

Beat The Heat

“Beat The Heat” — By Cara Regas, Strength and conditioning coach at Fitness Quest 10. With summer temperatures rising, the risk of heat illness also increases.  Here are a few tips to so you can enjoy physical activity and exercise as well as to reduce the risk of heat illness: 1. Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate! Drink […]

The Importance of Nutrition For The High School Athlete

One evening I was talking to one of my high school athletes in the athletic development camp that I teach. During the workout, I casually asked him, like I do with all my athletes, what he ate during the day. Keep in mind I was training him at 7:00 p.m. The kid said that he […]

Work What Your Mama Gave Ya

Resistance training – and I don’t mean “resisting” training – means going back to the basics. Picture yourself doing high school physical education kinds of exercises (based on using your bodyweight as resistance) and there you have it. Resistance training is a common phrase in the fitness world. By definition, resistance training is a form […]

Carry On

One question I love to ask my clients is “What drives you to be great?”  Regardless of whether it is a champion athlete, successful entrepreneur, or a hard-working professional, I find the answers are often similar.  Regardless of your business, dreams, and desires, let’s use the traits of a champion and apply them to our […]

Injury Prevention and Performance For Scripps Ranch Old Pros Soccer

Playing soccer is a great way to keep fit.  Unfortunately, the competitive fitness and athletic demands for the game can contribute to injury as we get older.  If you are an adult soccer player and struggle with nagging injuries or a lack of fitness, this program is for you.  Learn new practical strategies to prevent […]

The Art Of Restoring And Relaxing Your Health

By: Todd Durkin This article is all about YOU. In a world that is often over-stressed and over-run by “things to do”, I invite you to take control of your life and make a difference NOW. If you are working a ton, facing adversity, feeling over-whelmed or feeling out of balance, the purpose of this […]

Would You Like Fries With That

The other day I was talking with a young woman who was distressed about her life. She complained that everything was tough, “I have no time to exercise, I have two kids, I work ten to twelve hours a day, my husband was just laid off, the economy is stressing me out and I am […]

“Have You Lost That Loving Feeling?” by Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS

Do you remember the movie, Top Gun?  It’s one of my all-time favorites (besides Rocky, of course), full of action, passion and love. There is a scene near the beginning when Maverick and Goose pick up Charlie (played by Kelly McGillis) in a bar by singing, “You’ve Lost that Loving Feeling.”  The energy and sparkle […]