LaDainian Tomlinson–ONE OF THE BEST TO EVER PLAY THE GAME Today is a bitter-sweet day. I feel nostalgic. I feel sad. I feel proud. It’s a day I knew was coming but never really wanted to acknowledge. Today, LaDainian Tomlinson retired from the NFL. To me, LT was much more than just a football player. […]

IMPACT Corner Questions June 2012

What is the best thing to eat before an early morning run 5:15 am? Love the early morning workouts.  If it’s this early, I would do a swig of orange juice or just pure water.  I have a tough time eating that early myself. If you feel you need more, go with something light:  a […]

IMPACT Corner Questions- May

Question: I think I have weightlifters shoulder, how long should I rest? Hate this, any suggestions to your followers. — Shane Huffman Answer: Shane, this is common amongst us guys that overwork on the bench press and pushing exercises, at the expense of not doing enough backside work. This is commonly referred to as upper-crossed […]

Basketball Off-Season Training

Basketball Off-Season Training By Jeff King, MA CSCS Personal Training, Fitness Quest 10 The month of March signified a couple of things—spring is on the horizon and the high school basketball season has gradually wound down to its end. Since mid-November, high school teams all over the United States have put in countless hours practicing […]

IMPACT Corner Questions March 2012 – Todd Durkin

Thanks for your questions on our Facebook LIKE Pages ( and on our Twitter feed ( this past week.  I always enjoy hearing from you and connecting via our Social Media outlets.   If you have a question that you would like to ask, please visit one of the links above and share your question.  […]