Is It Necessary to Emulate Sport-Specific Movements During Training in Our Youth?

Written By Jeff King Throughout the years, my approach and philosophy towards training young athletes has changed. Many factors have attributed to this: books I have read, conferences I have attended and respected coaches I have talked to. Each has played a vital role in developing my current approach with any young athlete I have […]

I Haven’t Done This in 31 Years!

I just got done doing something I haven’t done in about 31 years. I played in a competitive soccer game. You know, with referees and jerseys and all that stuff. And I loved it. Since I’m coaching my son Brady’s 9-year old soccer team again (Team IMPACT with my wingman Coach Jeff Granucci), all the […]

My Fitness Journey: Ryan Rogers

I have always loved sports growing up. From a very early age, I was very active and enjoyed trying as many different sports and activities as I could. I played soccer, baseball, and flag and tackle football in grade school. In junior high I would ride my bike all over and try to jump over […]

Mastermind Member In The Spotlight: Mike Ibasco

Mike Ibasco is a five-year Todd Durkin Mastermind Platinum member and standout teammate.  He is the owner/operator of The Fitness Source, seven years and running, the premier personal training, weight loss, sports performance and triathlon studio in Las Vegas, NV. Mike leads a TEAM of 5 fitness professionals in a total body wellness approach to […]

My Fitness Journey: By Joe Rote

My Fitness Journey By: Joe Rote Growing up, sports were always a huge part of my life. As a kid, I was always outside playing or participating in some sort of recreational league. My love of sports continued throughout my childhood and into high school where I participated in Football, Basketball, and Lacrosse. Being a […]

Every Breath Matters

Sometimes you learn things when you least expect it. I had one of those moments this week. A few weeks back I was with Todd, Drew Brees, and Darren Sproles during their last day of workouts before reporting to training camp back in New Orleans. We were talking about the British Open that occurred over […]

My Fitness Journey: Natalie Brown

When I was 6 years old I told my Mom and Dad that I didn’t want to play soccer anymore because “I hated running!”  This was a very interesting way to start my fitness journey. For those that know me now, times have changed. I love to run now. However, my 6 year old self […]


Question I want to ask you about the meaning of Impact. What does it stand for?  And, do you have some information on leadership books that struck a cord with you? Matt Mcrowell, Georgetown on Canada Matt, thanks for asking.  Yes, IMPACT is a way of life.  The acronym “I.M.P.A.C.T.” stands for: I = […]

IMPACT! Corner Questions August 2012

How do you fire up your trainers and staff to bring IMPACT every day in everything they do and transfer that enthusiasm of ownership? First, you have to make sure you are fired up yourself.  World-class workouts, eating impeccably, getting bodywork/massage, and all the physical and recovery practices we preach to our clients everyday.  This […]