Holiday Stress or Holiday Spirit? 10 Tips for Survival

It’s the holidays and what a wonderful time of the year it is!!! Or is it? People get stressed… They get off their routines… They often feel like they have to overextend and “outdo” themselves… Their workouts go to the pits… or they just don’t do them… Nutrition goes to hell… cookies, desserts, and alcohol […]

“Please..come touch me”

I would like to share a little known fact about me. In 1999, I completed my graduate thesis on a topic that was extremely interesting to me. And still is. My two year research project at SDSU was entitled “The Physiological and Psychological Effects of Massage Therapy on Stress & Anxiety.” Many of you probably […]

Weight-Loss Ain’t Easy

Weight-Loss AIN’T Easy By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS Weight-loss is one of the most common goals of clients and members at Fitness Quest 10. I know, I know. You want to improve your strength. And fitness. And health. But many people are also trying to lose an extra 5-10 pounds. Or 20. Or 50. Or […]