How to Save Time & Energy and Increase Productivity
Stop. Start. Continue. How to Save Time & Energy and Increase Productivity By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS Hey, if you’re a high-performer, you are always looking for “simple” little exercises to boost your time, energy, and productivity. Well, last week, I had the opportunity to speak to a group of senior level management executives at […]
Holiday Stress or Holiday Spirit? 10 Tips for Survival
It’s the holidays and what a wonderful time of the year it is!!! Or is it? People get stressed… They get off their routines… They often feel like they have to overextend and “outdo” themselves… Their workouts go to the pits… or they just don’t do them… Nutrition goes to hell… cookies, desserts, and alcohol […]
LAX Training with my son Luke on the TRX Rip Trainer
A couple weeks ago, I shared in my TD Times about my son Luke shooting his lacrosse ball through my neighbor’s window. And I shared how we handled that “little” mis-fire. It was a great life-lesson. But I need to tell you a little bit more about the whole story. You see, Luke asked me […]