PAIN-FREE with BioMechanist Brian Bradley

Let’s talk shop today. I have my good friend Brian Bradley, who I’ve known for two decades, in the house. Brian is a biomechanist who happens to be one of the smartest guys I know when it comes to human performance and getting Pain-Free. Brian, who has worked with the Egoscue Clinic for more than […]

My Top 10 Takeaways From a “Genius” Conference

TD In Scottsdale at Genius Network

After attending a 3-day Genius Network event with some of the top entrepreneurs and speakers in the world, I left with tons of incredible takeaways. I always say you only need “one” big AHA or takeaway to make these “getaways” worth the investment, and this conference in The Copper State had a plethora of ’em […]

Overcoming All Odds

Overcoming All Odds By Todd Durkin, MA, C.S.C.S. I want to tell you a story of someone extremely special. Her name is Meg Kruse. She’s a trainer at Fitness Quest 10 who just accomplished something really incredible at the age of 55. And she overcame a ton of adversity in life to fulfill a dream […]