Are You Ready To Live IMPROMPTU?
(I sit down to write this week’s WOW after a memorable Father’s Day 2013. I hope it will help set the tone for a special week for YOU in business and life this week): Are You Ready To Live IMPROMPTU? By: Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS My Father’s Day started off early yesterday morning in fantastic […]
Stressed Out? Eat Up!

By: Tara Coleman Courtesy of the Total Gym Inside blog You are so stressed out and busy that your sleep is either long and restless or solid but way too short. So you wake up and start pounding coffee to get going. There’s no time to eat so by the time you get around to it you […]
Benefits of Rebounding
All of us probably have some fond memory of bouncing on a trampoline when we were kids. Little did you know, you were actually rebounding – a fun way to burn calories even as an adult! Believe it or not, bouncing up and down offers a safe, low-impact workout for any age and fitness level. […]