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The 4-Color Coded Calendar System Can CHANGE Your Life

One of my mentors many years ago asked me, “Do you want to make more money?”

I answered, “Of course, who doesn’t?”

To which he replied, “Then you are going to need to change a few things around.” 

I said, “Please tell me more.”

To which Wayne Cotton went on to describe his 4-color coded calendar system.

In a nutshell, there are 4 colors in this “calendar” system that Wayne created. 

The 4-Color Coded Calendary System: 

“Green Machine time” = Making Money. It’s when you are working. 

“Blue-Sky time” = When you are strategizing on your business, dreams, leadership and literally creating a roadmap to your success. 

“Red-Tape time” = This is when you are spending time organizing your business & life. This includes visits to your accountant, financial advisor, attorney, etc. and not just going through your “piles” and literally organizing your business/life.

“Mellow-Yellow time” = This is time OFF. This is vacation time. This is a day-off. It’s when you are NOT working. 

Furthermore, Wayne told me I’m spending TOO MUCH time in green-machine and that I have hit a ceiling. The only way to get to another level is to get more “blue-sky” and “mellow-yellow” time.

A bit confused, I asked, “Wayne, tell me how the heck I’m supposed to make more money while I’m laying on a beach doing nothing or up in the mountains hiking and relaxing.”

To which he replied, “Ahhh…This is why you need to understand this very important life-principle. The more ‘mellow-yellow’ time and ‘blue-sky’ time you get, you will exponentially INCREASE your revenue in business.”

I was dumbfounded when he said this. He went on to explain, “When you are OFF, this is when your BIG ideas come. When you are out in nature and playing, or relaxing, or resting or soaking in some R&R time… this is when you can tap into your subconscious mind and dream your deepest dreams that will only fulfill your soul.”

“Additionally, your energy will be restored and you will consistently show up as your best-self. You showing up as your best self is absolutely mission critical in every aspect of life, including your family life. Otherwise, you are showing up to work and home tired, exhausted, cranky, burnt-out, and life-less. Literally LIFE-LESS.”


So my final question was, “How much ‘mellow-yellow’ and ‘blue-sky’ time do you recommend and how do you personally honor that?”

Wayne shared, “I recommend you get a minimum of 3-days every 90-days to get in ‘blue-sky’ time. This will allow you to skyrocket your focus and allow you to generate action plans based on your strategy you want to implement. Take this time to strategize, write down your goals, get with your ‘personal advisory board’, get feedback and write-out and share what your quarter is going to look like. This is very important. And the more successful you become, you will eventually need 2-3 days OFF every month devoted just to blue-sky time.”

“And as far as ‘mellow-yellow’ time,  your entire Annual Planner should start with when you are taking time OFF during the year…not when you are working or when you are ‘ON’ for the year. I need you to start with when you are OFF.  I’m going to recommend you take 100+ days OFF per year and you work 200-250 days per/year. 

I said, “This is impossible.”

He retorted, “No it’s not. My best years were when I worked 250 days and took 115-days OFF.” 

I shook my head and thought, “Is this even possible?” 

He smiled and said, “Try it and thank me later.”

Here I sit on a plane at 35,000 feet and write this article and think to myself, “How can I be a better listener and follower of this practice that my mentor highly recommends?”

While I have not YET taken 100+ days OFF in any given year, what’s on my mind all the time is this:

  • How can I get more time OFF than 2-3 weeks (14-21 days) per year to replenish, rejuvenate, refresh, and revive?
  • Can I double my number of days OFF per year? (28-42 days OFF)
  • Could I triple my number of days OFF per year? (42-63 days OFF)
  • What would it feel like to get off 100+ days OFF per year? How would my productivity, drive, results, etc. change if I was to resolve to Wayne’s recommendations?
  • How can I SHOW-UP as my BEST-SELF for every darned meeting, session, event, and thing that I do, personally and professionally?

And by doing so, does this “up” your value because of how you SHOW-UP and PERFORM because you are even further on fire?!

Deep thoughts I know but hence why I write to YOU today. 

To challenge you.

To coach you.

To make you think how you can make life even better.

Just like Wayne Cotton did for me. 

And then I think, isn’t this all about personal OPTIMIZATION? 

Isn’t this all about reaching one’s peak personal potential?

Isn’t this all about creating, manifesting, and KEEPING one’s energy, health, vitality, focus, vibrance, and mindset at a “Fighter-pilot” level so that when you are ON, you can be stealth-like?

Needless to say, I wanted to share that with you because I’m coming off an incredible 7-day mellow-yellow trip with my family to Montana and during that trip, I thought to myself, “NOW THIS IS LIVING. Why don’t I get even more time like this catching my breath…and experiencing LIFE.”

My mind was dreaming as we were in one of the most picturesque places in America (Whitefish, MT) as we did some white-water rafting.

My soul was smiling as we hiked in Glacier National Park and spent time together as a family and smiled a ton. 

My body felt great as I hiked and worked out. 

My energy was restored as we laid around the cabin and played cards, joked a ton, and made some smores. 


And most importantly, my SOUL was SINGING as I spent time with the people I love the most. Whether it was wakeboarding, “fly-boarding,” playing pickleball, or sharing a meal together, it was all about TIME.

And isn’t that what it’s ALL about? 

Thank you Wayne Cotton. The wisdom you gave me many moons ago, resonates EVEN deeper these days. 

I hope it resonates with you also and that you prioritize your “mellow-yellow” & “blue-sky” time also. Afterall, you might find that it skyrockets your “green-machine” and that you can MOST fully experience LIFE as well. 

Much love…and lots of MELLOW-YELLOW & BLUE-SKY TIME!!!



P.S. What about that “Red-Tape”?

I’m horrible at “organization.” I own it. I need to be around people who are organized. I inherited a bad gene from my Mom that makes me keep piles of papers (my wife calls them “Durkin Piles” ☹). Haha. 

I’m smart enough to know that I am NOT good at red-tape and that I need some people around me who LOVE this area of life. ☺


P.S. Check out Wayne Cotton’s System that I Highly Recommend

If you would like to learn even more about Wayne’s system, you can check it out for free at


While I could tell you what “No brown days” are, I’ll leave it to him to explain. Haha!!!


P.S. Can you do me a favor…and forward my monthly “TD TIMES” newsletter here to a friend, colleague, or family-member who would find value in it…

I publish the “TD TIMES” only 1x per month (the 10th of the month) and have done so now for close to 2-decades. I remain committed to bringing you on-going motivation, inspiration, and front-of-mind topics. 


If you would be as kind to please forward this to a friend, colleague, or family member so that they can subscribe to my monthly newsletter and ongoing content, I would greatly appreciate it. 


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