“ONE THING” By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS We just finished our 8th Annual TD Mastermind Retreat here in San Diego and it was SPECIAL. 75 passionate, fired-up fitness pros inspired to transform the planet. It was a weekend filled with laughter, smiles, connection, support, motivation, thought, and strategy. We went DEEP. I LOVE hosting these […]

Remember to LIVE…It’s MEMORIAL DAY!!

Remember to LIVE…It’s MEMORIAL DAY!!! By Todd Durkin Happy Memorial Day! I hope that you have been able to take some time this weekend to reflect on the meaning of this very special day and spend some quality time with your family and loved ones. Maybe you will go to the beach today, watch the NCAA […]


By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS For many years, I’ve been deeply entrenched in studying success. I’m engrossed by it. I want to know what the best of the best in any field does to be at the top of their game. Athletes, doctors, lawyers, teachers, entrepreneurs, fitness professionals. You name it. One of the common […]

90 Day Wonder

By Todd Durkin, MA, C.S.C.S. People often ask me the question, “How do you get done all that you get done in a day?”  My answer is actually a fairly simple one.  I have been disciplined about doing a series of exercises that have helped me stay laser-focused on my personal and professional development.  And […]