By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS For many years, I’ve been deeply entrenched in studying success. I’m engrossed by it. I want to know what the best of the best in any field does to be at the top of their game. Athletes, doctors, lawyers, teachers, entrepreneurs, fitness professionals. You name it. One of the common […]

TD Times July IMPACT! Corner Questions

Question: When you are hitting a wall with your weight. What is the best way to break through it? First, nutrition.  I always say that you can’t out-train a bad diet.  Your nutrition must be dialed in.  Eat every 3-4 hours, small-portions, focus on real foods, make sure you are getting in adequate protein (approx. […]

How to Feed your Pet Human

How to Feed your Pet Human By Craig Valency, CSCS I didn’t have any exotic pets growing up, but a few of my friends had snakes, turtles, lizards, and other critters my mother was not very fond of. What I most remember are the feedings. The toads always needed a good supply of crickets, supplemented […]

Home Sweets Home

Brett Klika Brettklika.com If you have kids, I’m sure you want to do everything in your power to make sure they grow up healthy and happy.  With the current disturbing statistics about youth obesity (1 in 3 youth is overweight), fingers are pointing in every direction as to who or what is causing this problem […]

IMPACT Question Corner

Thanks for your questions on our Facebook LIKE Pages (www.facebook.com/ToddDurkinFQ10) and on our Twitter feed (www.Twitter.com/ToddDurkin) this past week.  I always enjoy hearing from you and connecting via our Social Media outlets. If you have a question that you would like to ask, please visit one of the links above and share your question.  I […]

The IMPACT Question Corner

Thanks for your questions on our Facebook LIKE Pages (www.facebook.com/ToddDurkinFQ10) and on our Twitter feed (www.Twitter.com/ToddDurkin) this past week.  I always enjoy hearing from you and connecting via our Social Media outlets. If you have a question that you would like to ask, please visit one of the links above and share your question.  I […]

I Would Like You to Meet AGNES

I would like you to meet AGNES – Part 1 of a 3 Part Series on the Pillars of Wellness as We Age By Janet Bertrand ACE Every day we are faced with choices. We make those choices and build our lives based on a pattern of decisions, one after the next. Those choices dictate […]

The IMPACT Question Corner

I recently asked my followers on Facebook & Twitter for their most pressing questions as it relates to health & fitness. I received some great questions and going to answer a few of them now. Q: As a trainer, is it important to makes sure your clients wear a heart rate monitor? A: I highly […]

Great Strides can be made with a little K.I.S.S.

By: Jeff King M.A., C.S.C.S I am reading Dan John’s book “Never Let Go.” This is a great read. John shares his philosophies on lifting as well as life. Many things resonated with me thus far but one in particular inspired me to write this article. John discusses that when things get difficult, such as […]