This is Your Half!

HALF-TIME Adjustments… By Todd Durkin MA, CSCS HALF-TIME. In most sports, half-time is extremely important. And there are a few things that you usually do at half-time that are essential. As a matter of fact, allow me to take you in the “locker-room” for a brief-moment and share what typically happens behind closed-doors. First things […]

What’s going to “DIE” before you have new “LIFE”?

I celebrated Palm Sunday yesterday in mass at our local Catholic Church, St. Gregory the Great. Palm Sunday, or Passion Sunday, as it’s often referred to, brings back some very vivid memories of being a kid and having to sit through the longest mass of the year. As a kid, I used to dread this […]

The Jersey Without a Number”

The Jersey Without a Number” By Larry Indiviglia On a recent Saturday afternoon at the “Magic Kingdom of ALL Gyms,” Fitness Quest 10, there were two young athletes (visitors) finishing their workout. I was at the front desk catching up on some work and trying to decide where I was going to go to dinner […]