My Complete Routine for Healing after Knee Surgery

Healing is a beautiful thing. After my recent knee surgery to clean up bone spurs and scar tissue in my left knee, I was dialed-into healing at the deepest level. Based on your questions and feedback (I listen to all of them), I have decided to provide you with my complete healing & recovery protocol […]

“In The Hot Seat” with Todd Durkin

What is your superpower? How have you built and successfully maintained your businesses over 15+ years? Hindsight being 20/20, what is the one risk or decision that you regret not taking? These are the types of questions that Frank Pucher, Director of the Todd Durkin Mastermind, asked me during this episode of the IMPACT Show […]

Shaun White, An Embarrassing Story, and Creating a Brand for Legacy

Many moons ago, I had the opportunity to train Shaun White. Yes, that Shaun White. The Olympic and X-Games Gold medalist. The snowboarder, skater, surfer, and media mogul who has created an amazing brand for himself. Well, today’s guest on my IMPACT SHOW is…Sean Lake. Wait. What? Haha. Got you. Actually, Sean Lake was Shaun […]