Take Back Your Time…The Guilt-Free Guide to Life Balance with Christy Wright

Are you slightly addicted to productivity and sometimes feel out of “balance?”I thought so! A common theme I often hear from many people is “I need more ‘balance’ back in my life.” Can I get an “AMEN” to that? Today, I have a real treat for you. I have Dave Ramsey personality, #1 national best-selling […]

Take Back Your Time…The Guilt-Free Guide to Life Balance

Are you addicted to productivity and sometimes feel slightly out of balance? I thought so! In today’s show, we talk “balance” and about doing what matters most versus worrying about how much to get done. My guest Christy Wright, a Dave Ramsey personality, is a busy mom with three young kids, a bustling career, and […]

Are you a Donkey or a Thoroughbred?

One of the men that I have loved studying from the most over the past couple years is Dave Ramsey. I have read his books. I’ve attended his live events. And I love listening to his EntreLeadership podcast. If you don’t know who Dave is, he is a best-selling author and speaker specializing in leadership, […]

137 Ways to Make 2014 Your Best Year Yet

137 Ways to Make 2014 Your Best Year Yet
By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS I hope 2014 is off to an EXTRAORDINARY start and that you are as excited as I am to create the best year of your life. Last year, I wrote an article called the “103 Ways to Create Your Best Year Yet.” […]

Are you a donkey or a thoroughbred?

I took my leadership team to a Dave Ramsey “EntreLeadership” program a few months back. And one of my top takeaways was a quote that Ramsey said. “Thoroughbreds like running with thoroughbreds…they don’t like running with donkeys.” Are you a donkey or a thoroughbred? If you want more success in life…you need to elevate whom […]

The Most Unattractive Quality

The Most Unattractive Quality By: Lindsey Richardson I I have read a lot of self-help books and been fortunate enough to see a lot of great leaders speak live. And I realized recently as I sat in the seats watching another great leader Dave Ramsey (with our Fitness Quest 10 team), that often times many […]