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Take Back Your Time…The Guilt-Free Guide to Life Balance with Christy Wright

Are you slightly addicted to productivity and sometimes feel out of “balance?”
I thought so!

A common theme I often hear from many people is “I need more ‘balance’ back in my life.”

Can I get an “AMEN” to that?

Today, I have a real treat for you. I have Dave Ramsey personality, #1 national best-selling author, & personal development expert Christy Wright on the Todd Durkin IMPACT SHOW podcast.

Christy is a real dynamo who is also a busy mom with three young kids, a bustling career, and knows what it’s like to be stretched too thin.

On this week’s podcast, Christy redefines balance and gives a clear path on how to achieve balance and be guilt-free. This is a power-packed episode full of great tips and strategies to win the day, one day at a time.

Listen NOW… and I know you will receive outstanding VALUE:

Specifically, here are 7-things we cover on today’s episode:

  1. How to become balanced in an unbalanced world.
  2. 4 reasons why we feel out of balance.
  3. The solution to fighting too many fires in a day.
  4. How to best prioritize your day and recognize what is most important.
  5. Christy shares her best habits to own her day.
  6. The 5 steps to the path to balance.
  7. How to take back your life from your to do list.

Listen now… Apple PodcastGoogle PodcastSpotify

Christy delivers some extraordinary value in today’s SHOW. One of the things she says is, “It’s not about productivity…it’s about doing what matters the most.”

My friends, what matters MOST to you?

This week, I want your “To Do” list to reflect things that matter MOST. Don’t stuff it with things that don’t matter.

I often ask myself the question, “Will what I’m doing today, matter in 3-years?”

If the answer is YES, that it needs to stay on the list.
If the answer is NO, then I don’t want to invest much time, energy, money, or resources into it.


Answer that question and then get to work.

Much love…and lots of “balance.”


P.S. Speaking of “BALANCE,” did you sign-up for my “21-Day Audio Meditation” program yet?

I just announced yesterday that my wife Melanie & I are doing a 21-Day Meditation program for FREE starting next Monday, October 18th.
But you gotta sign-up BEFORE it starts.

The only way to register is through my brand-new text community.

Simply text me the word “Meditate” to (619)304-2216.

Then fill out the form on your phone, and you will automatically receive 21-days of Meditation that will be between 5-15 minutes long starting on October 18th.

Sign-up TODAY!!!

Having trouble joining? Check out this quick video!

P.S. #2. Pick up Christy Wright’s new book NOW!!

If you would like to receive even more knowledge and perspective on “balance” and how to juggle all the demands of today’s day without feeling overwhelmed or guilty, purchase Christy’s book today…

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