Caffeine and Kids… The Ultimate Gateway Drug

Hey kids, say NO to drugs! Unless, or course, that drug comes in a brightly colored can that can be legally purchased at every store in the nation.  In that case, about 75% of our youth age 5-12 years old are saying “yes” to the most widely used stimulant in the world, caffeine. While moderate […]

The Scores Report chats with Drew Brees’ trainer, Todd Durkin

At your local gym, you may have been offered a chance to try out a tool called the TRX Suspension Training, which is an innovation by former elite Navy SEAL Randy Hetrick. As a Navy SEAL, Hetrick often found himself in remote safe houses with limited means to keep he and his soldiers in shape. […]

Are You Ready For Some Football?: Todd Durkin’s TRX Workout

You probably prep for football season by hauling out your lucky jersey and making sure there’s a six-pack in the fridge, but the guys on the field have done a heck of a lot more than that. To find out what it takes to move the chains, we asked Todd Durkin — who trained more […]

Get With The Movement

Fitness Anywhere launched their first nationwide integrated media campaign called “GET WITH THE MOVEMENT.” It’s a video-centric consumer rally cry that dares people to put down their weights, get off their exercise machines and take a more dynamic, movement-focused approach to building their overall health and achieving their fitness goals. It features short videos from celebrity TRX’ers […]

Three Shoulder Exercises For Quarterbacks

Having strong shoulders is essential when we are talking about over the head throwing sports such as football and baseball.  Whether you are looking to prevent arm injury or add more speed to your fastball, these 3 exercises need to be implemented in your daily workouts. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TOP SHOULDER EXERCISES RECOMMEND […]

10 Ways To Improve Performance

Are you looking for ways to improve your performance?  In this context, I am talking about your performance at work, at home, and with your health.  If you indeed are trying to improve your energy, productivity, and overall effectiveness, I have provided 10 sure-fire ways to maximize your overall performance. * Focus, focus, focus—Sometimes it […]

3 Shoulder Exercises For Quarterback

There’s no better time than the offseason to get in peak shape for the football games awaiting you this fall. For quarterbacks, that means strengthening the parts of your body that will be used the most in games. To throw the ball stronger and more accurately–while preventing debilitating injuries–shoulder workouts during the downtime are crucial. […]

Top 6 Challenges You Face And Solutions To Overcome Them

By: Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS, Owner, Fitness Quest 10 Voted Top 10 Gym In America ~ Men’s Health Magazine (2009) “Popularity is people liking you; happiness is you liking you.” In a world in which we are all trying to discover our full potential and create “happy” lives, I find this to be an interesting […]

Where Your Attention Goes Your Energy Flows

Recently, I heard a particularly good story about a local athlete.  He came to San Diego to play college football, but when he was 18 he worked for a hometown car dealership selling cars. One day, a family arrived on the used car lot looking for a van. The kids went nuts over a kitted […]

Would You Like Fries With That

The other day I was talking with a young woman who was distressed about her life. She complained that everything was tough, “I have no time to exercise, I have two kids, I work ten to twelve hours a day, my husband was just laid off, the economy is stressing me out and I am […]