My New DREAM Home Office!

My New DREAM Home Office! By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS I hate moving. It’s not fun. It takes a lot of work and it involves change. And I just completed “moving” last week. That’s right…I completed a big move. I’ve been moving my home office for the past 4 months. Let me explain. For the […]


It’s August. Can you believe it? I spent part of my Sunday organizing and doing some “Red tape.” I went through my closet and have a huge bag of shirts and shoes that I’m going to give away. A good ole spring cleaning or “purge party.” As much as I don’t enjoy organizing, it always feels […]

Cracklings, Crawdads, and Boudin…Time to CHANGE a few things up?”

Cracklings, Crawdads, and Boudin…Time to CHANGE a few things up?” By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS I was down in Lafayette, Louisiana a few weeks ago doing talks for the American Heart Association, and then a half-day “IMPACT Leadership” program for a private company specializing in oil and gas industry transportation. And a funny thing happened […]

What does your GUT say?

Every week for the past 2 years I have a “W.O.W.” (Word of the Week) that I focus on. It’s a word that is typically resonating deep within me. This week, my WOW is “GUT.” Think about your GUT. You know that feeling that just tells you when things just feel right…or wrong. That “thing” […]