Ep. 64 Shownotes: Faith Over Fear—Thoughts from an Airplane at 30,000 Feet

Today’s episode comes from an airplane at 30,000 feet en route from Florida to San Diego. It’s all about the 5 Ways to overcome FEAR, beat the coronavirus epidemic, live with more FAITH, and what we need to do NOW to ultimately look back at this unprecedented time and realize it was a massive catalyst […]

A Dream has Become a REALITY

Dreams really do come true!!! And I can’t wait to share mine with the world starting in just a few weeks. For 9-years, I had the dream of having my own TV show. I wasn’t sure if it would be on Oprah, Ellen, prime-time, or just my “own” channel. But, I gave up that dream. […]

Shift Happens

Shift Happen By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS It is said that “either you choose change or change will choose you.” So true! Speaking of change, I gave a talk to my Mastermind Group at our Retreat last week called “Shift Happens.” Part of my talk entailed discussing the “4 Insights of Change” by Peter Diamandis. […]

My Fitness Journey: Amelianne Johannes

Athlete…Active… These were always words I used to define myself, until one day, before I knew it, they were not relevant anymore. To understand my fitness journey I have to start at the beginning. I grew up in a cul-de-sac neighborhood. There was only one way in and one way out; the perfect place for a kid to […]

137 Ways to Make 2014 Your Best Year Yet

137 Ways to Make 2014 Your Best Year Yet
By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS I hope 2014 is off to an EXTRAORDINARY start and that you are as excited as I am to create the best year of your life. Last year, I wrote an article called the “103 Ways to Create Your Best Year Yet.” […]

Overcoming All Odds

Overcoming All Odds By Todd Durkin, MA, C.S.C.S. I want to tell you a story of someone extremely special. Her name is Meg Kruse. She’s a trainer at Fitness Quest 10 who just accomplished something really incredible at the age of 55. And she overcame a ton of adversity in life to fulfill a dream […]

Meg Kruse Interview with Todd Durkin– September 2013

Meg Kruse Interview with Todd Durkin– September 2013 Meg Kruse is a fitness trainer at Fitness Quest 10 and a figure competitor who just attained her PRO CARD by the IFBB (International Federation of Bodybuilders) at the North American Championships in Pittsburgh, PA, on August 31, 2013. Todd did an in-depth interview with her about […]

TD’s Top 41 Tips for Success in the Fitness Field

TD’s Top 41 Tips for Success in the Fitness Field By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS “The only dumb question is the one not asked” is a statement so very true.  In any fitness conference, there are often several presentations going on at the same hour that you want to attend and can’t. So at least […]

My Fitness Journey

My Fitness Journey By: Lindsey Richardson, Director of Marketing, Fitness Quest 10 It all started with a boy. Hard to admit, but truth be told, that is how my fitness journey began. Fitness and I have always had a love-hate relationship. I dated a lot of studios and gyms, I tried everything from karate to […]

Todd Durkin Announces “Big News”; FITBLOK to Change the Fitness World

I have some big news to announce. I have been working hard on a revolutionary training idea that I believe will change the face of fitness. Literally. With the thousands of people I have trained in my career, I often hear the same excuses that rob people of being healthy, fit, and strong: “My workout […]