Advances In Therapeutic Laser Treatments
Laser technology is a rapidly growing sector of the medical community. Today lasers are used in vision correction, hair removal, skin treatments, pain relief, and surgery. Therapeutic lasers utilize lower powers that can non-thermally and nondestructively alter cellular function. This phenomenon, known as laser biostimulation, is the basis for the current use of lasers to […]
How To Get A Stronger Upper Body
Looking for a way to keep your arm strong all season long? Here is a series of shoulder workouts from Todd Durkin of Fitness Quest 10 using the TRX that are ideal for keeping baseball players strong and flexible. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THIS VIDEO Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS, is a personal trainer and massage […]
Three Shoulder Exercises For Quarterbacks
Having strong shoulders is essential when we are talking about over the head throwing sports such as football and baseball. Whether you are looking to prevent arm injury or add more speed to your fastball, these 3 exercises need to be implemented in your daily workouts. CLICK HERE TO WATCH THE TOP SHOULDER EXERCISES RECOMMEND […]
Beat The Heat
“Beat The Heat” — By Cara Regas, Strength and conditioning coach at Fitness Quest 10. With summer temperatures rising, the risk of heat illness also increases. Here are a few tips to so you can enjoy physical activity and exercise as well as to reduce the risk of heat illness: 1. Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate! Drink […]
10 Ways To Improve Performance
Are you looking for ways to improve your performance? In this context, I am talking about your performance at work, at home, and with your health. If you indeed are trying to improve your energy, productivity, and overall effectiveness, I have provided 10 sure-fire ways to maximize your overall performance. * Focus, focus, focus—Sometimes it […]
What I Have Learned At Fitness Quest 10
When I first found out about Fitness Quest 10 I knew it was a place that anyone in the fitness world would love to visit. You look at their website and the video pops up on the screen with kids, adults, and even NFL and MLB players doing exercises on equipment that you have never […]
The Importance of Nutrition For The High School Athlete
One evening I was talking to one of my high school athletes in the athletic development camp that I teach. During the workout, I casually asked him, like I do with all my athletes, what he ate during the day. Keep in mind I was training him at 7:00 p.m. The kid said that he […]
The Truth About Vertical Jump
As a strength and conditioning coach, I work with many young basketball players and one common question that parents and coaches frequently ask me is what can be done to improve their son’s, daughter’s or athlete’s vertical jump? Every time this question is raised, two thoughts come to my mind. First: I want to show […]
Navigating The College Recruiting Process With Confidence Part II
Here’s the link to Part I which highlighted two critical questions to ask yourself as a student-athlete: 1. What type of college experience am I looking for? 2. What are your key college decision factors? In Part II you will steps to realistically evaluate yourself as a student-athlete. Attention student-athletes: Have you ever asked yourself: […]
3 Shoulder Exercises For Quarterback
There’s no better time than the offseason to get in peak shape for the football games awaiting you this fall. For quarterbacks, that means strengthening the parts of your body that will be used the most in games. To throw the ball stronger and more accurately–while preventing debilitating injuries–shoulder workouts during the downtime are crucial. […]