137 Ways to Make 2014 Your Best Year Yet

137 Ways to Make 2014 Your Best Year Yet
By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS I hope 2014 is off to an EXTRAORDINARY start and that you are as excited as I am to create the best year of your life. Last year, I wrote an article called the “103 Ways to Create Your Best Year Yet.” […]

Are You Ready To Live IMPROMPTU?

(I sit down to write this week’s WOW after a memorable Father’s Day 2013. I hope it will help set the tone for a special week for YOU in business and life this week): Are You Ready To Live IMPROMPTU? By: Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS My Father’s Day started off early yesterday morning in fantastic […]

Setting Your Business Up For Success

Setting Your Business Up For Success By: Lindsey Richardson, Director of Marketing, Fitness Quest 10 Opening a new business is one of the most exciting times. I like to look at it as a fresh start, new rules, new systems, new team, and the best part, you have the power to create whatever you want. […]

IMPACT! Corner Questions April 2013

1. What are a few of your best habits that allow you to achieve success? Just as my “WTF” article states, I am maniacally focused on my routine. I live by my list. I have a BIG 5 for life, Big 5 for the year, Big 5 for the week, and Big 5 each day. […]

103 Ways to Make 2013 Your Best Year Yet

103 Ways to Make 2013 Your Best Year Yet By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS I hope your New Year is off to a great start and that you are as excited as I am to truly create the best year of your life. Two years ago, I wrote an article called “83 Ways to Create […]

TD’s Top 32 Reads of All-Time

“TD’s Top 32 Reads of All-Time” By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS Today, I want to answer another very simple question that came up recently. And it comes up often from many different people: “What are the top books you have read on business & leadership and would recommend that we read?” And instead of just […]

TD’s Top 41 Tips for Success in the Fitness Field

TD’s Top 41 Tips for Success in the Fitness Field By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS “The only dumb question is the one not asked” is a statement so very true.  And just recently, the 2012 Perform Better 3 Day Conference series came to a strong close in Long Beach, CA. There are many great things […]