The 6 Rules I Have With My Kids

Do you wear a lot of “hats” in your life? You know, your “parent” hat, your “work” hat, your “spouse” hat… I’m no different. The most difficult “hat” I wear is the “Dad” hat. I absolutely love it. But man, it can be tough sometimes. For example, this past weekend, we had 14 games between […]

I Haven’t Done This in 31 Years!

I just got done doing something I haven’t done in about 31 years. I played in a competitive soccer game. You know, with referees and jerseys and all that stuff. And I loved it. Since I’m coaching my son Brady’s 9-year old soccer team again (Team IMPACT with my wingman Coach Jeff Granucci), all the […]

My Fitness Journey: Amelianne Johannes

Athlete…Active… These were always words I used to define myself, until one day, before I knew it, they were not relevant anymore. To understand my fitness journey I have to start at the beginning. I grew up in a cul-de-sac neighborhood. There was only one way in and one way out; the perfect place for a kid to […]

My Fitness Journey: Ryan Rogers

I have always loved sports growing up. From a very early age, I was very active and enjoyed trying as many different sports and activities as I could. I played soccer, baseball, and flag and tackle football in grade school. In junior high I would ride my bike all over and try to jump over […]

Are You Ready To Live IMPROMPTU?

(I sit down to write this week’s WOW after a memorable Father’s Day 2013. I hope it will help set the tone for a special week for YOU in business and life this week): Are You Ready To Live IMPROMPTU? By: Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS My Father’s Day started off early yesterday morning in fantastic […]