Why Jordan Spieth Won The Masters
“Why Jordan Spieth Won The Masters” By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS Sometimes there are days or workouts where I remember how good it is to feel “young.” The body feels good. There are little aches. And I’ve got that “pop” that I used to just take for granted. But it’s not always like that. It […]
Could You Give Up “CANDY” For A Year?
Could You Give Up “CANDY” For A Year? By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS Could you give up candy for a year? Or how about coffee? Or caffeine? Or wine? Or chocolate…. Ewww, that chocolate thing. Not sure I could do that or not. I need to brag a bit about my 12-year old son Luke […]
Miracle On Ice
MIRACLE ON ICE By Todd Durkin, MA, CSCS It was February 22, 1980 and I was just 9-years old. And I remember the day like it was just last year. I was at soccer practice for the “Brick Rowdies” at the old Lanes Mills Elementary School in Brick, NJ, and all the parents were huddled […]
Live Inspired! By Natalie Peterson The things that you do and how you do them have an impact on the people around you. It becomes a ripple effect, those that you influence go on to influence others. Whether you are in a leadership role in your professional life or not, you are an influencer of […]
115 Ways to Make 2015 Your Best Year Yet by Todd Durkin
Every year around this time of the year, there is an incredible energy and enthusiasm for a brand New Year. And I share in your same excitement. I believe it’s because of the opportunity to start fresh. To start new. And to dream big dreams and cast out a wonderful vision. And to set strategy […]
Happy Thanksgiving! — What I Am Most Thankful For
Every week of the year I create, think of, dedicate and write a Word-of-the-Week (WOW). And I’ve been sharing that for the past 3 years. And I have to honestly say that this week, THANKSGIVING week, is one of my favorite weeks of the year. WHY? Well, because THANKSGIVING is a pure American holiday, filled […]
Have You Ever Been Knocked Down or Out?
Sometimes you win in life. And sometimes you lose. And it sucks when you lose. No-one likes it. I don’t like it. And you probably don’t like it either. Especially when you work your tail off for something for weeks, months, or years for and it doesn’t work out the way you envision. My man […]
Create Your Edge?
“Success is never ending and failure is never final.” It’s a quote by Robert Schuller that resonates deeply. It’s for the upper 10% of the world that are considered peak performers. These are the folks, in any industry, that are always searching for “the edge.” What is your edge? What are you going to […]
Do You Have The “Fitness Flu”?
No one likes having viruses. Or getting sick. And your fitness business can’t afford be “sick” either. Do you or does your business have any of the following symptoms of the “Fitness Flu?”: 1. You feel apathy and stale in your services or deliverables. Heck, maybe you are even burnt-out? 2. Your revenues are NOT […]
The Story Behind a Person: Jesse Dietrick
We all have a story. Sometimes having a bigger story can lead to bigger moments in life. The stories that we tell of our lives attract others to us. What is your story? This past Saturday I had the great opportunity to lead a warm-up for Team in Training. Team in Training is a running group […]